Mobile speed Camera Vans

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MMUK":2v6ew12t said:
Jacob, wind your neck in and read my statement fully please, you still have my comment completely out of context. :roll: I said:


Which bit of that was difficult to understand? There's no point banging on about reaction times, that in itself makes no difference when someone steps out from behind a car or van right into your path. Another point is people aren't trained to look and therefore they don't anticipate far enough in advance.

So is that a bit clearer for you sweety pie? Or am I asking too much of your narrow minded brain? Maybe an adult level of intelligence is farther beyond you than I realised. Never mind, with careful and patient tuition, maybe one day you can join the ranks of the real adults? :wink:
Nope. Sorry, still makes no sense at all, however you look at it.

"There's no point banging on about reaction times, that in itself makes no difference when someone steps out from behind a car or van right into your path. " er - yes it does. Think about it. Or perhaps not; you obviously have thought about it but it's getting you nowhere. :roll: :lol:
Jacob":8h3zbcxa said:
MMUK":8h3zbcxa said:
Jacob, wind your neck in and read my statement fully please, you still have my comment completely out of context. :roll: I said:


Which bit of that was difficult to understand? There's no point banging on about reaction times, that in itself makes no difference when someone steps out from behind a car or van right into your path. Another point is people aren't trained to look and therefore they don't anticipate far enough in advance.

So is that a bit clearer for you sweety pie? Or am I asking too much of your narrow minded brain? Maybe an adult level of intelligence is farther beyond you than I realised. Never mind, with careful and patient tuition, maybe one day you can join the ranks of the real adults? :wink:
Nope. Sorry, still makes no sense at all, however you look at it.

"There's no point banging on about reaction times, that in itself makes no difference when someone steps out from behind a car or van right into your path. " er - yes it does. Think about it. Or perhaps not; you obviously have thought about it but it's getting you nowhere. :roll: :lol:

MMUK....don't stress, it's like trying to explain physics to a will never understand you.
Jacob":33yjmkb5 said:
"There's no point banging on about reaction times, that in itself makes no difference when someone steps out from behind a car or van right into your path. " er - yes it does. Think about it. Or perhaps not; you obviously have thought about it but it's getting you nowhere. :roll: :lol:

Does it really? Even if you're jabbering away into your mobile phone and steering with your knees? Lets face it, there's still thousands of people who do even though it's been illegal for several years.

I have thought about it and I've gotten to where I want to be. You on the other hand, I think, are due to be plugged into the grid again for electrolysis. Let us know when you're safe back in your rubber room. BTW, I take it you're still on the waiting list for a lobotomy? You certainly need one :wink:
markturner":21gfl727 said:
MMUK....don't stress, it's like trying to explain physics to a will never understand you.

You really should have brought this to our attention sooner, you're in a supportive environment and there's no need to be ashamed of it. If people had known you had the intellectual capacity of a monkey I'm sure they'd have framed the argument in terms you could more easily understand. :lol:
MMUK":3udxnnv0 said:
.....Even if you're jabbering away into your mobile phone and steering with your knees? ......
The likelihood of a collision will be reduced by lower speeds, as;
1 you may still just notice the problem in spite of your distractions and have more time to react. Let's face it you couldn't drive more than a few yards at any speed if you weren't paying some attention.
2 the other party may have more time to get out of the way.
3 the consequence of the collision will be lower with lower speeds

You never know - MMUK and Mark might just get it if we keep explaining things very patiently, the little monkeys!
Maybe it's a public duty to try to spread a little light for them, and their driving might improve!
Jacob, with the greatest of respect, I think it's past your bed time. Now why don't you do as mommy says and leave the internet to the grown ups?
Jacob is completely correct, even if some can't see what is transparently obvious. RoSPA quotes research showing significant reduction in accidents and injuries on 20 mph roads. It seems to me that the worse the standard of driving the more important it is to cut speeding.
Finial":222zca6i said:
It seems to me that the worse the standard of driving the more important it is to cut speeding.

That's a typical politician's short sighted answer!

What is more important is to improve the standard of driving and that starts with the instructors and examiners.

Personally, I think the whole system needs a revamp. The test is far too easy - pretty much anyone can pass and the training is a joke.

Another thing should be a complete clamp down on using any kind of electronic device while driving, whether it be a mobile phone, iPod or Sat Nav. The number of people I still see driving while using a mobile phone or fiddling with their **** Nav beggars belief.
MMUK":20bzgp2w said:
Another thing should be a complete clamp down on using any kind of electronic device while driving, whether it be a mobile phone, iPod or Sat Nav. The number of people I still see driving while using a mobile phone or fiddling with their pineapple Nav beggars belief.

Agreed, and as we're at it I'd like to include a ban on driving while shaving, applying makeup, smoking, eating pies, and sneezing.
That's a typical politician's short sighted answer!

What is more important is to improve the standard of driving and that starts with the instructors and examiners.

Personally, I think the whole system needs a revamp. The test is far too easy - pretty much anyone can pass and the training is a joke.

Another thing should be a complete clamp down on using any kind of electronic device while driving, whether it be a mobile phone, iPod or Sat Nav. The number of people I still see driving while using a mobile phone or fiddling with their pineapple Nav beggars belief.

This I do agree with, at least that improvement and speed reduction are both important. But it will take a long time to improve standards significantly while there is next to no enforcement. I know the test is too easy, they even gave me a licence!
Finial":3h3gxqq0 said:
Jacob is completely correct, even if some can't see what is transparently obvious. RoSPA quotes research showing significant reduction in accidents and injuries on 20 mph roads. It seems to me that the worse the standard of driving the more important it is to cut speeding.

OMG>>>>> :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Seriously>????? Of course that's true, if velocity was zero, then no one would be killed by vehicles so the nearer you get to zero, the less fatalities.. lets make it even safer and ban cars altogether.........Christ, why did'nt we think of that one before?????

Ergo, we have to accept a certain level of casualties. Being a switched on driver who is capable of actually controlling his car properly and can think for himself helps to maintain that level not getting to high. Sadly, the roads are full of Jacobs and Finials who are labouring under the illusion that they are contributing to road safely by driving everywhere really slowly........instead of trying to improve their general driving skills.......

Gosh, I must be the worlds cleverest monkey........
markturner":2sb7ckra said:
Finial":2sb7ckra said:
Jacob is completely correct, even if some can't see what is transparently obvious. RoSPA quotes research showing significant reduction in accidents and injuries on 20 mph roads. It seems to me that the worse the standard of driving the more important it is to cut speeding.

OMG>>>>> :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Seriously>????? Of course that's true, if velocity was zero, then no one would be killed by vehicles so the nearer you get to zero, the less fatalities.. lets make it even safer and ban cars altogether.........Christ, why did'nt we think of that one before?????

Ergo, we have to accept a certain level of casualties. Being a switched on driver who is capable of actually controlling his car properly and can think for himself helps to maintain that level not getting to high. Sadly, the roads are full of Jacobs and Finials who are labouring under the illusion that they are contributing to road safely by driving everywhere really slowly........instead of trying to improve their general driving skills.......

Gosh, I must be the worlds cleverest monkey........

Have a banana you clever chimp :mrgreen:

Ergo, we have to accept a certain level of casualties. Being a switched on driver who is capable of actually controlling his car properly and can think for himself helps to maintain that level not getting to high. Sadly, the roads are full of Jacobs and Finials who are labouring under the illusion that they are contributing to road safely by driving everywhere really slowly........instead of trying to improve their general driving skills.......

Mark, do you really believe that anyone who thinks they are skillful should be allowed to exceed the limit? Or just you?. I could never aspire to your driving skills Mark. I often have a queue behind me. Many of those drivers overtake when there is room and speed away, just like you. I expect they all think they are above average. As a matter of interest, what would you do on the motorway where everyone is doing 85 in poor visibility, and according to the post there should have been a 30 mph limit?

Yes, any moving traffic risks some casualties. This country has fewer than many others, but still very many thousands. How many do you think we should accept, bearing in mind one of them might be you or a relative of yours?

Tell you what, you post on here when you plan to go out and I'll try to keep out of your way. I'd rather you be in front anyway. You've told us how good a driver you are, but to be honest I'm not impressed by that.
Well, I confess, I've been a bad lad I broke the speed limit this week. :oops: Lock me up officer along with the criminals who mug old ladies and burgle houses (oh I forgot, they get an ASBO),

4.30 am travel to the airport, clear sky, dry roads, no frost, no other vehicles ecxept 3 in the opposite direction, dual carriageway and my lights illuminating the road for hundreds of yards. Virtually no likelihood of farmers, pedestrians, drunks or narrow minded drivers (no names) who would be well tucked up in bed. I just couldn't resist it so set the cruise at 85 for a silky smooth and enjoyable ride. I enjoyed the drive for once!

Let's be honest here - speed itself does not kill, it's the ******** behind the wheel that does it. Not all drivers who exceed the limit are ********* and some of those adhering to it are. They exist on both sides. A good driver rarely has or causes an accident, a bad driver does both and just because some of us have never had a ticket or accident doesn't mean we're a good driver as we could have used up a large quota of our luck! I include myself in that and try to stay within my limits. I also drive definsively and assume that there could be a hazzard so I stay alert and try to think ahead.

To get back to my reasons for the original post. There was an article in todays Newcastle rag which puts some meat on the bones:

The location where the van has been deployed 18 times has in the last 5 years not had a single accident. Further down that road there have been 5 minor and 1 serious over that time. (I know at least 3 of those were on a poorly surfaced bank /bend which has since been improved). None of those accidents were speed related.In direct comparison the other road which extends 55 miles to the Scottish borders and had not seen the van in 6 months, has over the same 5 years had 5 fatal, 30 serious and 110 slight accidents. Volumes of traffic are increasing rapidly due largely to traffic diverting from the single lane A1 trunk road which is another story.
The authorities still will not admit that the location is driven by profit or offered a realistic explanation however the pressure is now on.

Let's be honest here - speed itself does not kill, it's the ******** behind the wheel that does it. Not all drivers who exceed the limit are ********* and some of those adhering to it are.

A bad driver is dangerous at the speed limit. A good driver is safer at any speed than they are at 10 mph higher. Anyone can make a mistake, or encounter someone else who makes one. The higher the speed the greater the consequences.
Finial":2udcbag7 said:
Let's be honest here - speed itself does not kill, it's the ******** behind the wheel that does it. Not all drivers who exceed the limit are ********* and some of those adhering to it are.

A bad driver is dangerous at the speed limit. A good driver is safer at any speed than they are at 10 mph higher. Anyone can make a mistake, or encounter someone else who makes one. The higher the speed the greater the consequences.

Bad drivers are dangerous at ANY speed and make more than an average number of mistakes and as far as encountering others, thats the reason for defensive driving which should be observed at all speeds. Problem is that a lot of drivers have no idea what that is or the ability to do it.

if you read my other posts you'll realise that I don't advocate speeding but there is a little truth in most of the posts here whichever side you're on. I certainly was perfectly safe and endangered no one else whereas at 8.30 am in rush hour traffic it would be a very different story.

Anyway this is becoming decidedly boring now :lol:

To be honest, it's just another example of the nanny state thinking they can legislate their way to some kind of zero risk, zero death, zero fun existence. ( and all the while, make some money out of it...).........I know what I would I would rather live under..........

and for what it's worth, I have NEVER put anyone else's life in danger living my life the way I want..........
Finial":17y14gru said:
Jacob is completely correct, even if some can't see what is transparently obvious. RoSPA quotes research showing significant reduction in accidents and injuries on 20 mph roads. It seems to me that the worse the standard of driving the more important it is to cut speeding.

Well of course you are going to have less injuries at 20mph. I think we should reduce it even further to 5mph and have a man walking in front with a red flag. Fixes unemployment at the same time. Result.
I understand your point. But, and without any personal criticism, it isn't just you in your car exposed to the risk. Modern cars have all sorts of protection for the occupants, can stop quicker and so on. They feel safe to drive. That all encourages risk taking and faster driving. I ride a bike and know that doesn't feel safe. Thousands of bike riders (and pedestrians) are injured every year. I know what it feels like to be hit by a car and I don't like it. I ride defensively, but bad drivers object to that. I want bad driving firmly discouraged. Call it the nanny state if you like, but it sounds good to me. I wouldn't care about people driving fast if it was just them at risk. But it isn't.

Driving can be fun. I don't want to take that away from anyone and I don't think nanny does either. Possibly not even Jacob does.

But it comes at a price. Not just the accidents, carbon consumption, congestion, air pollution, noise and high taxes. Obesity and ill health are a modern scourge and if people were more active it would help reduce them. Walking and cycling are beneficial to everyone. However, fast traffic just about rules them out on the road for most people, certainly for children. If good drivers or bad ones whiz past you, it's often hard to tell the difference. One reason there are now so few pedestrians and bike riders on the road is the fact that drivers speed.

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