Thanks for the concern, I am OK, but have computer problems.
Re the stopping 0f (Windows XP) support, on the 8th April by Microsoft. I took advice from a local computer technician who is a good friend of my broth-in-law, to stop using (XP) as soon as possible, also my old computer was not capable of running a new system.
So I have purchased a new computer with (Windows 8.1) much against my better judgment and it is driving me around the twist, old dog new tricks and all that. #-o
I did say that if I had to upgrade, that would be the end of my computer usage.
The above technician has offered to come and give me some help, I certainly need it, as I have posted on here before, I am not at all computer savvy. :roll:
As soon as I am sorted and comfortable with the operation of this new beast, I will be back as a regular user all things being equal.
Thanks again for the concern.
All the best.
Chris R.