Has any one any experience of using this lathe or do they know any one who has one and can give an honest opinion of its quality? I am torn between buying this or a small Jet lathe as a second machine for precision turning of small items.
I purchased the Fox mini lathe approximately one year ago and have had excellent results with it. I build scale model trucks in wood and the lathe is used to make all the small circular parts, e.g prop shafts, etc.
I've got the Axminster M600, which is the slightly larger version of the M300, which is now rebadged as the Jet JML-1014 Mini-wood lathe... (which Axminster also sell as well)
In fact if you compare the two links - you can basically see its the same machine.
Anyway, I've been really pleased with mine, the weight of it helps tremendously, and the bearings are super smooth and completely free from any play. The Axminster is £20 cheaper. It doesn't get a large amount of use, but its a really nice solid machine.