I have been going to our local Shed for around 2 years, we have a regular group of about 12 blokes, a mix with different levels of woodworking skill nearly all retired. We now have two workshops in 20foot containers, with power / light and a range of mostly new hobby level woodworking machines (lathe, bandsaw, pillar drills, mitre saw...); lack of space is our main problem, we dont have the space for more kit. We have kitted out the workshops and now have a reserve in the bank; we make simple stuff to sell at local craft markets - welly racks, bird nesting boxes, bug hotels, trugs, raised planters which sell (disappointingly we find that turned stuff does not sell) We are trying some wall clocks at the moment. It is not Fine Woodworking magazine level stuff, but we have a social time, there is always time for some tea and cake before we go. As in a lot of bits of life, the only way Sheds will get better is go along and get involved, and pay some modest subs.
We want a larger Shed workshop, but in the area we are based, finding one we can afford is not going to be easy