Had a busy weekend using up some dried out wood from the undergrowth and rescuing some that had split. Not to everyone's taste I know and the photos don't do the pieces justice but for what it's worth here they are
Very spalted twig pot, looks almost as though someone had been throwing ink at ir. 4" tall, 2" dia
Spalted vase, 7" tall 2" dia Had bark inclusion which shot past my shoulder so adapted the design
Spalted night light. 3" tall 2" dia
This was an urn that I made a few weeks ago. Turned it green but it split. Very brittle wood. Top shattered so again adapted design. 9" tall 4" dia at widest
Very spalted pot. Now in use holding pencils by SWMBO 3 1/2" tall 1 1?2" dia, hazel
Told this was a piece of beech, not sure. 6" dia
Most of these were a pig to sand and had to be done by hand. Pics don't show it but the finish was good, took advice and really worked hard to get it right.
Comments welcome. As always don't know all the wood.