That may be a good move.
There are a couple of really good forums, where you can have a chat with reasonably aware and intelligent people, and some others!
You will get help and advice on any matters on moving.
Avoid AngloInfo like the plague!
I would recommend Complete France
here, or
here, or if you are really brave a small forum of complete pisstakers
The last one was formed as a breakaway from Complete France when the mods were seen to be a bit heavy handed... May sound a bit familiar.
We have had a holiday home in Normandy for about 8 years. We like it there a lot, but as we come up to retirement (22 days!) we have been thinking a lot about how we will use it, and we won't be moving out full time, as our roots, family and friends, social networks are too deep in the UK for us to be comfortable without them. We know of several English couples who are selling up in France and coming back for that reason. It's wonderful when you are stressed from work to have a bolt hole in la France profonde, but when you are chilled (and so is it) the attraction is less. If I was buying a place now it would be in a small town, with neighbours who don't have to be milked twice a day!
The other thing is to have excellent French. Without it you can become very isolated.
If I can be of any help, don't hesitate. Bonne chance!