Been having broadband problems recently. The TV has a load of apps, one of which is ParamountPlus and which gets its knickers in a twist if the streaming supply gets interrupted. It does not handle 'errors' well at all, locks up and impossible to restart until you power-cycle the TV.
And therein lies the problem as I found out. You do the power-cycle and after a while the screen comes up, the usual display showing channels and apps etc appears and you think 'Good -oh' and start pressing the remote buttons to get back to where you were and stop the kids having a tantrum. This is not a good idea. Go and make a cup of tea or get another bottle of beer from the fridge.
Let it load. That way lies sanity. DAMHIKT
And therein lies the problem as I found out. You do the power-cycle and after a while the screen comes up, the usual display showing channels and apps etc appears and you think 'Good -oh' and start pressing the remote buttons to get back to where you were and stop the kids having a tantrum. This is not a good idea. Go and make a cup of tea or get another bottle of beer from the fridge.
Let it load. That way lies sanity. DAMHIKT