Another update, I've missed out the tedious week of scraping and sanding the top - part of which involved putting a hook on a gooseneck scraper, even more tedious.
Finished off shaping the headstock transition, looks a little weird in this photo but it came out fine
Then it was onto shaping the heel, broke out the Dakota rasps to remove the waste but they were just a little too aggressive and as mentioned elsewhere one of the rasps confirmed it's banishment to a dark corner of the garage when it popped out of its handle and landed on the neck :x There are about 5 or 6 little indents which I think will be hidden by location, grain filler and lacquer. But still...
Bit of careful marking up and sawing to get a good square tenon made and an 85.5 degree slope on the shoulders.
Next up was making yet another jig, this one was for the neck pocket, fairly simple u shape slot made slightly undersize to allow for some fettling. Was able to sit it on the slope of the top as planned but had to be careful as there wasn't a great deal of area for the double sided to stick onto. Made the job a little easier for myself by forstner-ing out the bulk of the waste first
Spent most of last nights class fitting the neck, initial fit once I managed to get it partly in showed a significant skew off to the right, ie 0.5cm at the headstock. Not sure how that happened but that's why I'd left a little fat in, lots of toing and froing but it fits and is striaght now, though a touch looser than I'd like - more room for the glue
Neck shown here, big moment, so that I can mark out the final bit of body to be sanded away to merge into the neck
Sanding done here and a cloe up of the neck. You can see here that the fit is not quite as tight as I'd like, I'll have another look to see if there are any high spots to remove but to be honest it lines up straight and I could keep removing little bits here and there and make a right pigs ear of it, so may just allow a thicker glue line. Could always make some mahogany dust to mix with the glue at the surface
I've not drilled any holes in the top for the bridge yet, was waiting to finish this and a couple of other jobs first. Any inaccuracies in scale length that have crept in here can be compensated for with the bridge placement. Fairly confident I should be within 0.5 mm though.
Next job is routing the binding channel on the body and routing the inlay holes in the fingerboard. Plenty more scope for Mr Cock Up to enter stage left