Lathe choice at £1000

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15 Sep 2024
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I'm currently learning to turn with a borrowed AW240WL which is temporarily in my garage, and pondering what to buy for myself as a long term investment. I had started to think that an AW355WL might be a sensible choice, but looking at Axminster's professional range I am starting to think that if I'm hoping to be using this lathe for the next 30 years I don't want to be replacing the motor too many times, and maybe there are some features which are going to be worth paying a little bit extra for. Looking for a benchtop machine (I think), but not short of space.

So far my 'must have' list looks like this:
  • M33 Spindle (will eventually be buying hardware in EU)
  • Induction, 750W or more, VFD
  • Multiple speed ratios
  • Reverse
New or nearly new - what should I be looking for or avoiding? What do people value or regret after upgrading to this price range? 333mm between centres seems a little bit limiting, but I'm not sure I really want to spend close to £2000 which is what Axminster are asking for their larger semi-pro model.

The forum helpfully provided this outgrown my lathe thread, which had escaped my earlier searches.
I'm not sure £1,000 will get you a new lathe that'll last you 30 years.
Take your time and watch ebay etc to learn 2nd hand pricing.
I've seen vicmark lathes come up which are fine lathes.
Simon Hope sells the KSD range of lathes made in Taiwan (?) and those look a nice lathe if you ever came across a used one. Double your budget new.
I would say a swivel head is essential (as I did in that other thread!)

£1000 is a difficult budget - too low for high end stuff new, a lot to spend on hobby grade.

If you don't mind second hand, but lightly used, there are a few good things out there. VFD may be difficult. A Nova 1624 at £650, but you could try offering nearer £500.

I have heard nice things about poolewood and it is £650:

Or a very nice looking graduate with a factory fitted variable speed?
No swivel, but at least you get an outboard.

The M33 also means second hand stuff is much harder. You can get chicks made with different spindle sizes, or something like a versachuck with a removable backplate (never had one, but various people on here are passionate about them).
If you are in the early hobby stages I would not be too concerned about the next 30 years - it is the next 5 years during which you will become much clearer
  • how much you want to turn - occasional, often, all the time
  • what you want to turn large (bowls), small (pens), long (stair spindles) etc
A few years ago I changed from an Axminster AWVSL1000 to a Record Coronet Herald. Will turn a similar diameter but between centres is much less. I now have proper variable speed with 3 speed ranges and it is clear the whole machine is finished to a higher standard - particularly castings.

No implied criticism of Axminster - I bought a cheap machine when I started the hobby and it did a good job. But after 7 years I had a much better idea what I wanted.
Certainly open to 2nd hand, although I hadn't considered looking on facebook! Based on the lathe I'm using at the moment, the Axminster hobby lathes are clearly built to a price and I'm a bit dubious about how nicely they would work for small things (which I have not really tried yet). I don't think i will be making stair spindles (unless its for a repair!), maybe lamps and candlesticks though.
Coronet herald, would give years of fun for hobbyist. Also there is a bed extension available, adding about 400mm to spindle turning length.
Probably single phase, but could manage 16A I think.

Have to admit, the Twister FU-180 looks like it might be a good choice if its a reliable machine...
If you buy something modern and decent, it will have a 3 phase AC motor and a proper VFD for electronic speed control as standard. It will have a moveable belt giving a few ranges as well so that you don't lose all the torque at low speed.
The upside is all that will run off a 16A single phase socket and there won't be a big current surge whenever you start the motor. Depending on how much power it has and how hard you push it, it may even run reliably off a 13A plug.

That is very different to some DIY toy fitted with a brush motor and cheap lighting dimmer type speed control.