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19 Mar 2007
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Ex nr Carcassonne, France. Now Corston Malmesbury
Can anyone tell me what this is? It is an everyday use item, possibly several times a day. I'm sorry but it's not the finish that I would have liked but it is very dry, lightweight platan wood from beside the Canal du Midi. I have since made a couple more in oak and they look much better.



I don't think that it will take very long to identify? :roll: :twisted:
ER .. call me thick ... but I don't know! :oops: looks like a part os something? a sort of grinder?

But I would like to ask about the wood though. is that the tree that grows all over around that area? is it the one sometimes called plain? leaves like sycamore and 'army camouflage' type bark? I fancied trying it out but not sure where I would get hold of any. maybe when we are in the area in a few weeks, I should dump my clothes and fill my case! :lol:
It would make a very good candle putter-outer Wizer, but it would probably screw up what you would really use it for :evil:

Why on Earth would I want to call you thick when yer name is Mrs S? It ain't a sort of grinder though.

It is a type of plain tree and there seem to be something like 40,000 of them lining the Canal. There are also quite a few tulip trees too and I got talking to a couple of French forestry guys that dropped some nice lumps into the back of our C4 a couple of weeks back. Need a bit of drying, but lovely bits?

Where are you going to be in a few weeks time? Maybe we can meet if you are close? It's always lovely to put a face to a name. (well with some of the blokes on here it's probably nice occasionally, but not with the ladies :roll: :?: )
Me, Sliver and a couple of friends will be landing at your local airport in about five weeks, and staying in Serignan. we will have to see if we can arrange something via PM. :D

I did manage to find a piece in the local wood tip last year that had the same bark, and it turned quite well. very pale and like marble. not sure if it is a similar type wood?

Has it anything to do with fishing,a bait holder or a float?
seems to be split down the side. Nice piece of wood though.
do you use it to hit something with, or maybe to push a pointed something through (I note the small hole on the underside... ?

That's a nice looking bowl Mrs S! I can't tell from the colour if it's the same though?

No nowt to do with fishing Boysie. There was a split down the side, but it's amazing what a drop of siper glue will do even if it didn't hide it.. :oops:

Miles, you could hit something with it, but it would probably break, but I suppose you could poke pointed things into the hole?

Me Laird, if you think that we need to cover any bottles then you definately don't know how fast wine evaporates in the heat, or even in the cold come to think about it :oops: ?

WM, you could be too smart for yer boots cause yes you do put salt in it! It's a Roman style salt cellar called 'une saliere'. I have tried to find some gen on it, but??

It is a bit fiddley to put the salt in, but not bad, then all you do is to place it on the table. Anyone wanting salt just picks it up and shakes it up & down over yer plate. The salt suddenly experiences weightlessness and then gravity. The grains of salt that find themselves above the hole fall out and the rest fall back into the pot. When you put it down there is no salt spilled, unlike a salt mill! Very easy and very efficient.

A bit 'hit and miss' to make the first one when the only one that I had seen was on sale in a Cathar Castle that we visited last week and it was made of pottery..

The fancy shapes could make this a lovely present for someone you know that has got everything!!