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CNC Paul

Established Member
30 May 2007
Reaction score
Watford & Waterville
This is the latest thing in handsaws


variable_gangsaw1b-1.jpg ... at=1,42884

Sadly the S&J saw isn't an April Fool's joke. They really make one with a laser guide.

Love the LV one though.


A friend of mine actually has the laser saw (it was going cheap at a local DIY shed).

He reckons he pressed the button once just to see what it did and has never touched the laser since!!!
Karl":ub4801pa said:

Sadly the S&J saw isn't an April Fool's joke. They really make one with a laser guide.

Love the LV one though.



It wasn't meant to be a joke, I found the website that was selling them.
CNC Paul":3o4ht27c said:
It wasn't meant to be a joke, I found the website that was selling them.

:lol: I'd like to see you try and order the LV saw then.


CNC Paul":3vf4q6kx said:

I want one just for the really cool engineering involved. I understand that all of their "april tools" actually do exist - must have cost them a few bob to make, not to mention being bloody difficult to get your head around how it works.

I really like that about Rob, he really does go the extra mile just to put a smile on our faces, something that's very rare in this economic climate =D> =D> =D>


Aled Dafis":1xl1573r said:
I really like that about Rob, he really does go the extra mile just to put a smile on our faces, something that's very rare in this economic climate =D> =D> =D>

True enough. I suspect he's also enough of the businessman to know that these may well (I'd say will) out-collector value just about anything in due course - Holtey included. Jokes or not.
I've seen that dumb laser saw before, I don't have any idea on how it could make the cut accurate!!!! I prefer to use my square and pencil if a cut has to be accurate.

As for the veritas saw, actually cannot believe it wasn't an april fools tool....... I can't see myself rushing out to get one, or any of the other two for that matter! :roll:
Aled Dafis":o6vqfy09 said:
I want one just for the really cool engineering involved. I understand that all of their "april tools" actually do exist - must have cost them a few bob to make, not to mention being bloody difficult to get your head around how it works.

I really like that about Rob, he really does go the extra mile just to put a smile on our faces, something that's very rare in this economic climate =D> =D> =D>



Aled -

Many thanks for the kind comments.... our staff look forward to the product each year; the designers get to excercise some outrageous (but real!) concepts, our machine shop gets to show off their skills, and the rest of the company enjoys reading the various postings.

It does make a healthy break from normal business...

Cheers -

Mark -

That's a very graceful way of giving him an "out".... :lol:

Yes - we actually do manufacture the tools - and they will perform the functions we say they will.... though not always so elegantly...

That's the fine line we try try to walk each April 1st - something that's credible, yet just a tad outrageous...

The saw really is impressive in design... and would have been patentable (but now it's been disclosed)...

Cheers -

Rob Lee":3sglnq7s said:
Mark -

That's a very graceful way of giving him an "out".... :lol:

Yes - we actually do manufacture the tools - and they will perform the functions we say they will.... though not always so elegantly...

That's the fine line we try try to walk each April 1st - something that's credible, yet just a tad outrageous...

The saw really is impressive in design... and would have been patentable (but now it's been disclosed)...

Cheers -

He was already feeling bad enough, I don't like to kick a man when he's down ;)

I do like the look of it though. Out of interest, how many did you make? If it's just the one then I reckon (as I think someone has already mentioned) in a few years they will be worth a pretty penny I would imagine...

Are they in your 'museum' with the rest of your other mighty collection?


Hi Mark -

Yes, we only make the one - and we do keep 'em all for display (or collection).

Mind you - we have a physical library here of every Veritas design project, which includes all models, prototypes, and various bit and pieces - including all of the projects that never became production tools...

This week - we assigned project number 832 ... so there'd be 831 boxes of stuff (more or less) in the archive ....

Truely - it's only worth something if you sell it... so I guess you could say they're valuable, but worthless at the same time..... :lol:

Saay... that sounds just like owning stocks! :roll:

Cheers -

Rob Lee":22eugd1k said:
Hi Mark -

Yes, we only make the one - and we do keep 'em all for display (or collection).

Mind you - we have a physical library here of every Veritas design project, which includes all models, prototypes, and various bit and pieces - including all of the projects that never became production tools...

This week - we assigned project number 832 ... so there'd be 831 boxes of stuff (more or less) in the archive ....

Truely - it's only worth something if you sell it... so I guess you could say they're valuable, but worthless at the same time..... :lol:

Saay... that sounds just like owning stocks! :roll:

Cheers -

Hi Rob

Thanks for that, so, has 832 been announced yet or has it only just started the design phase?

I've got a cousin out in Canada so hoping to get out there some point over the next couple of years. What's the entrance fee to have a sneaky peek around the archive? I can spring for a couple of pints if that tempts you...


Take care

