Visually it's a nightmare.
Holes everywhere.
If the disassembly is going to involve drilling out a glued dowel, and the dominos themselves are through drilled, why not make fully glued blind joints as normal and if you ever need to disassemble it, just use the domino jointer itself to drill through and mill out the domino ?
The end result will still be neater and stronger than the way she's done it.
The one thing the domino is especially good at is indexing from an outside edge to position the domino centred 37mm in from an edge. As long as you note the setting you used for the big hinging fence when first assembling, you should be able to line up very accurately on the concealed domino and 40mm plunge should be enough to punch through most boards and separate the joint.
A second plunge will clear out the partial domino left in the mating piece.
If you expect to do knockdown regularly, buy the festool connectors.
If you get caught out and need to disassemble something just the once, milling out the domino gives you an option. All you need to do is start making notes on your pieces of what domino settings you used when you made it.