Kity Bestcombi 2000

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Brian Cook

21 Jun 2021
Reaction score
Is there anyone who knows if the anti kick back pawls on the Bestcombi 2000 can be adjusted.
I have a problem feeding timber when the pawls are in place but no problem if they are removed.
I realise that the pawls are there to stop the timber being thrown back at me.
I’m afraid I don’t know. I’ve not had issues with my Bestcombi 2000 although I did discover that wood chips cleared up behind them which I needed to clear. The other issue that I had was the feeder roller tended to clock with wood but that seems to have been less of an issue since I adjusted the tables. As you have removed the pawls, I’m guessing you’ve already done both those things.
Thanks for your reply Dhenry, it’s much appreciated.
I did remove the pawls some time ago and only just replaced them.
On your machine are you able to turn them a full 360 degrees?
There is a bar in front of the pawls which the pawls come in contact with.
Hi, I still have a problem with the pawls.
I have attached a photo showing how they are set in my machine, would you be able to see if they look to be in the same position on yours.


  • Kity Bestcombi Pawls.jpg
    Kity Bestcombi Pawls.jpg
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Thanks for the picture.
I think I have had it that way round but no matter what I do its too low in relation to the actual powered feed rollers.
Is there a chance you could take a picture from the side so that I can make out the profile.
Apologies for being such a pain.
Regards, Brian
Thanks for your help.
The problem was the row of teeth at the top.
They have to be in front of the plate which is above.
I had to tape all the pawls together before fixing the part into the machine.
A jig of some sort must have been used to get the part in place when it was manufactured as the pawls have a life of their own.
Once again thanks for your help.
Big thanks guys, been struggling with how to refit the pawls after stripping the machine down, couldn't figure out how they went back in....