Keir Starmer

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We stand together United :ROFLMAO:
Do you really believe that only the ECHR benefits the British people and that our legal system is incapable of protecting its own citizens or metering out fair justice when needed?
The case I highlighted is a perfect example of an outside body interfering with what should be a simple process of evicting criminals and liars who have entered the county illegally! We've had this problem for years.
If we were allowed to deport criminals for whatever they've done to face the laws of their own country we wouldn't have so many coming here hiding behind the skirts of the ECHR in the first place. Once here it's virtually impossible to get rid of them.

The case of Abu Hamza al-Masri was another prime example of interference by the ECHR. Look at the lengths and costs they had to go to get rid of him.

If it can be proven beyond any doubt that someone coming here is guilty of a case of premeditated murder without any justification then they should be turfed out back to their home country forthwith to face the music with no appeals so that if they have the death penalty in that country then that's their problem not ours. We don't need them, we have enough of our own home-grown criminals without importing them.

The ECHR has ruled that the Albanian murderer has aright to family life...what about the person whom he shot in the head? Didn't they have a right to family life?
It's about time we got rid of this nonsense had a referendum on leaving the ECHR.
I chuckled this morning when I read that under VAT rules, the UK’s biggest and richest private schools are in line for substantial financial windfalls as a consequence of the government’s plan to impose VAT on their fees, according to official new guidance issued by tax authorities.

A document issued by HMRC on Thursday made clear that, once registered for VAT, independent schools will be able to claim back the tax they have paid on capital projects such as buildings and land acquisition completed over the past 10 years.

You couldn't make it up.
Yes, the tax advisers twigged to this a while ago and schools have been taking action accordingly. It goes further. A private school I know quite well, provided a number of services to the adjacent primary and secondary schools for free. This included use of some sports facilities, drama and music facilities and some other things. With the VAT imposition the governors have "suggested" that it is inappropriate for parents to subsidise the state schools further, when they are already doing so by paying via taxes for state school places that they are not using.
But French registered rescue vessels aren't picking up migrants in open water and dropping them off on UK shores (at least, as far as I'm aware)?
Indeed not. Have you not noticed the complete absence of SNSM [Société Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer] ? Thet couldn't care a toss about boat people.
Do you really believe that only the ECHR benefits the British people and that our legal system is incapable of protecting its own citizens
I don’t trust the politicians who are so keen on leaving it.

Right wing Tories and Reform want to remove protections for U.K. citizens whilst putting themselves above the law.

The antics of Conservative Party since 2019 is a good indicator.
Wages have stagnated since 2010, millions of people now suffer in work food and fuel poverty
Because there is so much strong competition our manufacturing is almost gone and we now have more service type jobs which will never pay the high rates people want and if we raise wages it makes us even less competitive and so down we go. I look back and was earning far more money in the nineties than I can earn now and plus the cost of living was much lower so what has gone wrong. Well I look around and no longer see all the industries we once had and job opportunities, you now see young men working in cafes and retail because there are just not the career options anymore where they could have been trainee's or apprentices. One of the problems has been that we have let house prices outpace wages, they should have been restrained to keep a roof over peoples heads without extortionate mortgages and so eased the cost of living.

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