Keir Starmer

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Immigration only works along with integration, what you don't want is different areas of the Uk becoming ethnic sub groups that exist within the whole but are standalone entities that want to maintain their laws and traditions rather than follow UK values.
You mean like Scousers?
The article about meteorologists receiving death threats from people accusing them of creating and controlling the hurricanes truly is mind-blowing, and very scary.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the credulous. Conspiracy theorists aren't sceptical thinkers, they're the aggressively gullible.
The article about meteorologists receiving death threats from people accusing them of creating and controlling the hurricanes truly is mind-blowing, and very scary.
this is what happens when politicians are allowed to get into senior positions and make conspiracy theories and get away with it

lies and falsehoods amplified by the worlds most famous troll: Elon Musk
this is what happens when politicians are allowed to get into senior positions and make conspiracy theories and get away with it

lies and falsehoods amplified by the worlds most famous troll: Elon Musk
Good grief (to both).

A perfectly put sentence though "Politicians, billionaires and grifters who peddle lies during a time of crisis should be held accountable." (not that it'll happen)
"Fifty-eight police officers, three police dogs and a police horse were injured in Rotherham as rioters broke into the hotel, which was housing 240 asylum seekers, and tried to set fire to it. 22 Aug 2024"
Yes we know what happened there - very rare events and unfortunately immigrants are also prone to crime just as much as the rest of the population. Police failure, presumably they've been trained up a bit more since.
"The Home Office commissioned a study of the available data in 2020 . It said: "The academic literature highlights significant limitations to what can be said about links between ethnicity and this form of offending." "Research has found that group-based child sexual exploitation offenders are most commonly white." - because there are simply more of them I guess
It’s been going on for over 30 years. Only a few dozen, out of a very much higher number have been jailed so far. Many allegedly fled abroad to escape justice. I think it’s shocking you’re trying to play this down by quoting recent police action, whilst they turned a blind eye for so many years.
It’s been going on for over 30 years. Only a few dozen, out of a very much higher number have been jailed so far. Many allegedly fled abroad to escape justice. I think it’s shocking you’re trying to play this down by quoting recent police action, whilst they turned a blind eye for so many years.
I'm not playing it down. It was appalling. It appalled other immigrants too. And the police were also very much at fault, amongst others turning a blind eye.
"the Casey report concluded that the council had a bullying, sexist culture of covering up information and silencing whistleblowers; it was "not fit for purpose"
It has no bearing on the overall immigration scenario but it suits your narrative of fear and hatred.
White criminals go in for it too. Including BBC presenters even! The BBC were a bit slack about him too.
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Rotherham springs to mind. A place where the police were unwilling to apply the rule of law. And we know what happened there.
yes we know what happened there.......its been adopted is as an opportunity to make it seem like all child sexual exploitation were caused by immigrants

of course when you have senior politicians like Suella Braverman making inflammatory statements its no surprise what the public believe

in reality the majority of child grooming is caused by white men report by the Independent,perpetrators are young, white men.

You would hope so as 85% of the population is white.
there is no evidence that ethnic minorities are over represented in child sexual exploitation

but its handy for Tommy 10 Names, Farage, Braverman and others wanting to inflame hatred of foreigners.........their efforts have worked on you

did you vote for Reform?
I've yet to read of 1,400 cases in one town anywhere involving white men - have you?
I don't "hate foreigners", I just don't want millions more of them living here.
It's a very convenient stick with which to beat people who just think the Country's overpopulated, though.
Poor old Keith, lying in his teeth!
He's not very good at it! Hasn't even been accused of anything but it makes you wonder what he is actually covering up, instead of the opposite. Hilarious!

They don't like it either, which is why they want to come here, surely this is glaringly obvious?
Good luck to them. Petty bureaucracy and a few racist riots must seem like nothing at all compared to what many of them have had to put up with.
It does seem that simple fear is behind racism and most of the conspiracy theories which get mentioned.
Let's face it; climate change, record hurricane levels, covid pandemics, mass vaccinations, mass population movements, collapsing public services, "socialism", house prices, .....etc etc are pretty alarming and not made any easier by obvious failure at government level.
But fear and crackpot explanations don't offer solutions, even if they are the first resort for many, as we see.
Changing the conversation - it should also be about irrational fear.
So 'fear' is your key word of the day when it comes to anyone who is against wholesale migration to the UK!
If someone doesn't want to see the country in which they've lived their entire lives and worked hard for through taxation to get it where it is today inundated with migrants subsequently reshaping existing culture then in my book there's nothing remotely racist about it, it's simply protecting what they as a society have built up over the generations and anyone who calls them racists for doing so is a nut job of the highest order.

In 1971 the white British population of London was 87%, today the white British population is 36.8% those figures tell it all, our culture is being eroded and it's little wonder that many very reasonable people are not happy.

If you are so critical of those who are against wholesale migration to this country then put your money where your mouth is and take in some migrants, house, feed clothe them etc at YOUR own expense and not at the taxpayer's which is your personal choice but until you do that then you have no right to criticise others and call them racists for having a differing opinion to yours.

If you actually understood economics instead of the left wing hyperbole you come out then it would easy to engage in a coherent debate with you about the factual economics of the situation and the effects migration is having on our society but you clearly don't understand economics or recognise the effects of uncontrolled migration so it's pointless.
Poor old Keith, lying in his teeth!
He's not very good at it! Hasn't even been accused of anything but it makes you wonder what he is actually covering up, instead of the opposite. Hilarious!

In between joining in the right wing attack dog stuff, what do you think of the employment law changes - seems like a good thing for workers, right?
In 1971 the white British population of London was 87%, today the white British population is 36.8% those figures tell it all, our culture is being eroded and it's little wonder that many very reasonable people are not happy.
Tony - has it crossed your mind how a member who may not be white but who was born in the UK (since or even before 1971) may feel reading that?
what do you think of the employment law changes
Unless handled correctly this will cost jobs because you cannot expect full rights on day one if you have not proved yourself to the employer. There needs to be a probationary period where you transition from a potential employee to one with a contract. Many places I worked would only take on contractors on three or six month terms and this would be the probabtionary period, ie do you fit in and can you deliver our expectations.
Unless handled correctly this will cost jobs because you cannot expect full rights on day one if you have not proved yourself to the employer. There needs to be a probationary period where you transition from a potential employee to one with a contract. Many places I worked would only take on contractors on three or six month terms and this would be the probabtionary period, ie do you fit in and can you deliver our expectations.
That's what they said about minimum wage, it's what they say about anything which helps ordinary people, it's never worked out that way in reality.

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