Keir Starmer

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If they could send humans to the moon in the 20th Century, then surely it's not beyond the realms of possibility in the 21st Century to negotiate/ resolve the GFA/ECHR issues unless one wants to see them as an issue which can't be resolved in order to protract the UK's link with the EHCR.
I'll wager now the strongest proponents of staying in the ECHR are those who voted remain in the Brexit referendum.

The UK doesn't need people like that in charge of any negotiations if the UK is ever to progress as a fully independent nation. We saw how flawed Brexit negotiations were on the run up to leaving the EU.
The UK was in a prime position to call the shots but failed miserably due to weak negotiators.
The EU is a failing entity so why pin one's colours to the mast of a sinking ship?

Oh come on, surely you can be a bit more responsive than that? Man on the moon stuff is not an anything.
Tell us how these GFA/ECHR issues can be resolved, in your opinion, if it's not beyond the realms of possibility.
True, but to bear in mind that alternatives such as the US system cost their tax payers far more per head and provide a far worse service for the many (not the few).
The NHS pays to send people off to the private sector for many routine ops, hip/knee transplants, hernias etc which means we the tax payer are paying for this and also the NHS is left with the less routine and more expensive stuff, so its a double whammy to some extent.
I'm down for the Nuffield Trust for an op some time soon (18weeks or less as contracted to NHS) which won't cost me a bean except for any extras I feel need. Anaesthetics included (y) but local plus sedation :oops: .
Some of the routine ops farmed out cost less than being done by the NHS (not certain if extra payments for people unable to work because of needing the op are included in the calcs)and frees up NHS doctors to concentrate on the more complicated ops! Personally think a greater integration between the NHS and private services would deliver better results for all if you could find the right people to oversee it!

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