Keir Starmer

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And it goes on. The duplicitous Sue Gray, who also took freebies from people who have no desire to influence labour at all, has taken another high paid and pensioned job in kneelers gift, to avoid being the story.
She is leaving after a month in post and will take up a new role as the PM's envoy for nations and regions? What the hell is that?
I used to frequent a US-based musicians forum of old guys my age. I'm a lifelong guitar player and sometime luthier and repairer. We discussed music from the 50s and 60s, guitars and amps etc., and over the 15 years or so I was on there regularly I made some really good friends, so much so that I attended a couple of gatherings over there.

There was a no politics rule but a couple of posters couldn't help themselves and after a few suspensions the moderators were persuaded to create a no-holds-barred off topic forum.

This was around the time that politics and society in general over there was becoming more and more polarised and within a couple of years that off-topic forum became a microcosm of the country with such acrimony and mean spirit that there was a massive exodus of the more left-leaning types. Crazy really, because anyone who has spent any time in the USA knows that politics as we know it is really either right of centre or a bit more right of centre there.

Nowadays that board is just a bunch of old Trump MAGA types shouting into a void. Really sad to see.

It worries me that this country is going the same way. I don't do social media but my partner does and some of the things she shows me on Facebook scare the cr*p out of me. Being shared by family and friends. And what the hell is happening to YouTube? It used to be a place where you went to watch funny cat videos, or stuff about motors and aeroplanes. Now it's full of the weirdest conspiracy theories.

I can understand the Daily Mail pushing all their right wing stuff, it sells papers, but where is all this deluge of divisive cr*p coming from on social media. In whose interests is a totally divided and demoralised country?

My partner said something the other day. We're walking her dog in the park, by Poole harbour on a lovely sunny morning. I'm my usual curmudgeonly, ennui-filled, grumpy-old-man self. She's smiling and saying "Morning!" to all the other dog walkers as we're walking round, like she does every morning. I remark on this and she says "Well, if you smile at someone they might be having a hard time and it might brighten their day. And if they then smile at someone, and so on, that smile might go all around the world."

If you got this far thanks for listening.
Off topic but I guess from your handle you must be a fan of Selmer amps. I used them for well over 18 years and for 14 years during my 'pro' period. from the late 60s to early 80s
Great amps.
Off topic but I guess from your handle you must be a fan of Selmer amps. I used them for well over 18 years and for 14 years during my 'pro' period. from the late 60s to early 80s
Great amps.
You can’t leave it there Tony, would we have heard of you in your Pro life?
She is leaving after a month in post and will take up a new role as the PM's envoy for nations and regions? What the hell is that?
Cronyism is just so engrained in this lot that they seem to think it is normal, I thought the foreign secretary handled a lot of that but obviously they needed to park old Sue up somewhere and I wonder if she retains that over sized paypacket. What is more worrying than old sue is that in times like this you need good statesmen with diplomatic skills to hold things together yet these muppets are looking to get us involved in conflict with Iran which would just ignite the middle east and then watch oil prices soar as we have no fall back on Russian oil like last time round and guess who ends up with even higher cost of living.
I am just so utterly disappointed in him, I wanted him to win, I thought we were getting someone beyond reproach, someone who would be the opposite of Boris, someone honest and decent, someone who we could trust - but its just more of the same
You fault 🙈
Off topic but I guess from your handle you must be a fan of Selmer amps. I used them for well over 18 years and for 14 years during my 'pro' period. from the late 60s to early 80s
Great amps.
Yep. I had a grey Twin Selectortone (with KT88 output valves!) for many years. Sold it for a LOT more than I bought it for a few years ago. Still have an AC30 with blue speakers that I can't part with even though my gigging days are long gone. Not to mention a pile of other old amps and guitars.

No apologies for going off topic. Yet another politics thread. Guaranteed to do my head in.
She is leaving after a month in post and will take up a new role as the PM's envoy for nations and regions? What the hell is that?
It's a job that the PM created as Gray knows where all the skeletons are, plus the truth about her "impartial" enquiry into Boris et al. She was toxic in No 10 by media accounts and indiscreet moles, so she had to be clingfilmed, but she is unsackable.