I tried one recently. Another failure. My problem was in the layout rather than the execution. I cut the joint quite neatly but it just didn't go together.Anyone tried a Japanese sunrise dovetail ?
I was more than a little bit horrified when he was using that bow saw with his other hand underneath it, speaking here from personal experience!
Here's one version of it used in a couple of pieces of furniture, although I'd only ever known it as a double twisted dovetail. That was the case until more recently I became aware there was a Japanese name out there - no idea what though, and at some point I then heard it described as you called it, i.e., a Japanese sunrise dovetail.Anyone tried a Japanese sunrise dovetail ?. I keep looking at them but... Will get around to it sometime i'm sure.
Outstanding!!is the secondary lower dovetail functional/required or just for show?
:] what me? Am I? why? now I'm really confused (though I confuse easily) :] you're clearly referring to the video (which wasn't my post)...oh, well, for a second there...Outstanding!!