help please!!!!!!
I was lucky enough to be able to buy myself a 2hp thicknesser-planer over the christmas period
I have managed to setup the thicknesser (run two 1inch battens through at the extreams of the thicknesser bed and check the final thickness of each batten is the same).
BUT the jointer is a completely different kettle of fish!.
I have no idea! some advice would be very much appreciated!
I have heard some whisperings about turning the cutter block until a knife is at the top, then placing a batten on the blade and rotating it->seeing how far the batten is pulled forward until its pulled further no more, marking the batten then doing the same on the other side of the cutter block. But I would like more info on this (not sure I properly understand)
thakx UKW!!
I was lucky enough to be able to buy myself a 2hp thicknesser-planer over the christmas period
I have managed to setup the thicknesser (run two 1inch battens through at the extreams of the thicknesser bed and check the final thickness of each batten is the same).
BUT the jointer is a completely different kettle of fish!.
I have no idea! some advice would be very much appreciated!
I have heard some whisperings about turning the cutter block until a knife is at the top, then placing a batten on the blade and rotating it->seeing how far the batten is pulled forward until its pulled further no more, marking the batten then doing the same on the other side of the cutter block. But I would like more info on this (not sure I properly understand)
thakx UKW!!