I'd like to be able to turn my workpiece end to end several times during the turning process and retain concentricity, for which the standard procedure on a metal lathe is between centres working. I've never seen this done on a wood lathe and can't find any real reference to it. Is it practical/possible?
I am thinking of taking a faceplate, mounting a pin of some sort, using something like a strong cord to actually drive the workpiece and then mounting it between two revolving centres. Madness? Is it practical/possible? I was wondering if tool pressure would push the workpiece out of alignment, but then it doesn't seem a problem with long thin workpieces supported by the tailstock.
I am thinking of taking a faceplate, mounting a pin of some sort, using something like a strong cord to actually drive the workpiece and then mounting it between two revolving centres. Madness? Is it practical/possible? I was wondering if tool pressure would push the workpiece out of alignment, but then it doesn't seem a problem with long thin workpieces supported by the tailstock.