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Anyone use invoicing software which is very easy to use by an idiot and that will work on an old mac and iPhone 4?
RobinBHM":300s6u2u said:I got this software for my wife to do her piano lesson invoices
I dont know if there is version for Mac
JSW":1ics5oo1 said:
Any experience with spreadsheets? Wouldn't take long at all to set up an invoicing speadsheet with a few sums to account for quantity/description/sub-total/ VAT etc. I've used it for accounting in the past, once the template (incl. Logo etc) is created, running off an invoice is a five second job.
RossJarvis":2jgwm85n said:RobinBHM":2jgwm85n said:I got this software for my wife to do her piano lesson invoices
I dont know if there is version for Mac
Thanks Robin, unfortunately it's not Macable and since my hard drive crashed I can't run Windows stuff on the thing.
really what I'm after is a very simple programme like you mentioned which just produces invoices, I'm really not interested in the online super duper stuff that links up with your bank account etc. I'm also a lot less interested in paying for anything :shock:
MrTeroo":1b0ywzzl said:If you mean boot camp won't run, try a free virtual machine like virtual box
petermillard":26aueuqw said:It’s something I look for periodically, but the costs for a one-man-band sole trader are pretty wild (or maybe I’m just cheap) especially when you have to commit to monthly fees just to keep your account active?
Cheers, Peter
Totally agree Eric, spreadsheets are an absolute Godsend once you get your head around inputting sums, conditional formatting etc etc.Eric The Viking":k0bm89y5 said:There's no substitute really for spending a little while learning how to use a spreadsheet, It's not hard, especially if you have someone to guide you, and they are so useful, for estimating, calculating materials and making cutting lists, etc. Once you have got the hang of it (and it really is easy - honestly!), you'll wonder how you got by without.
Also, you probably can do auto-numbering of invoices in spreadsheets, but there are really good reasons not to do that, too. For a start, you probably still need to track the numbers independently, in case you have a tax inspection, and if you scrap an invoice for some reason, you probably would rather not have a gap in the sequence.
Personally, I'd use a spreadsheet, make up a layout I like, keep a master, and copy that to a fresh file each time I have an invoice to do. And I'd change the sequence number manually. There's nothing to stop you putting "instructions to self" in the spreadsheet, say in bold red lettering (that you then delete before printing), and one I'd put would be "Check invoice number and date!".
MrTeroo":1cqstit1 said:petermillard":1cqstit1 said:It’s something I look for periodically, but the costs for a one-man-band sole trader are pretty wild (or maybe I’m just cheap) especially when you have to commit to monthly fees just to keep your account active?
Cheers, Peter
Not wild at all
When I started my business in 2001 I bought QuickBooks basic for £99
I'm still using it. Excellent ROI
petermillard":16qo62n1 said:@ the OP - I think you’re complicating things a bit by wanting an iPhone app as well as a Mac app; this implies (to my limited knowledge of these things) a degree of back-end syncing that may be beyond smaller software delevopers. Could you not make job-related notes in the errr Notes app and copy these details across to your Mac invoice app? Notes syncs between devices, so they’ll be on your Mac already...
Cheers, Peter