Aiden, hi welcome, I loved woodwork when I was a kid, but I had no one to help and encourage me.
I remember seeing a stool similar to
when I was a kid and thinking "I could make one of those" I cycled to the wood yard, bought some 2x2 for the legs and rails, and I figured I could use dowels for all the joints, and string for the seat.
I carefully cut all the legs and rails, then cut the dowel to short lengths, and carefully drilled the holes in the legs and ends of rails, but I was working on the floor holding the work still with my hands and feet. The dowel holes ended up at all sorts of angles, and it was not possible to assemble it, I was GUTTED! If I had access to a suitable workbench, a vice, (a b&d workmate would do the trick) a square, and some support and guidance, that stool may have made it to fruition!
Where abouts are you? somebody may be in your area and able to help.
I think a sensible 9 or 10 year old could help with pen making, if carefully supervised, enough to feel a sense of achievement.