Have had a pair of big larry pros for around a year now and they been used a reasonable amount. So thought I’d review them a bit for anyone else looking for lights.
I have been semi-disspointed with there longevity, with one flickering on a off already due to (I think) a flaw in the battery holder design. There is a gold coloured telescopic thing that presses up against the bottom of the power cell and I think it can’t take any degree of punishment, a few falls and it seems buggered. The second one is still working but has began to develop a less severe version of the same fault.
Other than this I also thing the charge is a poor design as it is magentic clip, that also doubles up as the magnet for sticking it to things... invitable this gets givered in crud and stops it charging, it also seems to interfer with the circuit of the light in opeteration sometimes, thougn this could the aforementioned fault.
The best thing about them is the small size and light output, in both cases they totally outclass anything else i have seen.