Info needed re Parkside plunge/track saw

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If it aint broke dont fix it
UKW Supporter
9 Mar 2021
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Teignmouth Devon
Can anyone tell me what if any other make track will fit this saw as I have only 4 x 700 tracks and could use a 1200 or 1400 single piece track any help would be much appreciated
Hi, I have this track saw. It fits festool track, and those very close to festool design. It does NOT fit the makita track, due to Makita's anti-tip lipping.
I have this saw, and I use it with evolution and makita tracks. However it requires that the base of the saw be... um... trimmed. I did this on my table saw (the base is aluminium) and shaved about 1-2mm off the read long edge, which allows the saw to fit between the main (middle?) hump of the track, and the "anti tip" part of the makita track. Works like a dream, I don't have to mess with the tracks, and the saw is totally unaffected.

Only pain point is that when using with different tracks, the cam leavers that ensure the saw runs true each time need adjustment and it's easy to forget and then realise you've got a bunch of slop on the rail when you've already started your cut, which also generally wipes out your splinter rubber. Better to stick to the same brand rails.

I'm still beating myself up for not videoing me pushing the track saw through the table saw, the outraged comments would have been glorious 😫.
I might need to do the same thing!! I don’t want to trim my makita track so I might run my Lidl track saw throw the router table and shave off a couple millimetres
When I got the Parkside I trimmed the anti tip lip off my mac blister rail with a router. I have a rail square fitted so now I've a 700mm with a rail square and the 2 lidl 700mm joined to give me a fixed 1400mm rail.
I think I've seen someone put the Parkside through the table saw before and it nail bitting to watch 😉
When I got the Parkside I trimmed the anti tip lip off my mac blister rail with a router. I have a rail square fitted so now I've a 700mm with a rail square and the 2 lidl 700mm joined to give me a fixed 1400mm rail.
I think I've seen someone put the Parkside through the table saw before and it nail bitting to watch 😉
How did you trim the lip? I have a 3M Makita track and I don’t want to mess it up?