After much deliberation, soul searching, wailing and gnashing of teeth, not to mention the countless sleepless nights, I’ve decided to part company with my Incra Table Saw System.
Did I just hear that right you want to sell your Incra Table Saw System?
Well now that you ask, it’s a question of space. I have a UK single garage workspace which I know I’m lucky to have and it’s 5m x 2.5m ish in size. The rails are 72 inches long and added to that you can get 30 inches or so of rip capacity which makes a possible length in that configuration of almost 9 feet and I just can’t afford that real estate considering all the other stuff I have in there as well.
SOOOOO what will I get for my brass?
Here’s the breakdown.
INCRA LS32 Positioner Only 810mm (Metric)WOAH!!!
Did I just hear that right you want to sell your Incra Table Saw System?
Well now that you ask, it’s a question of space. I have a UK single garage workspace which I know I’m lucky to have and it’s 5m x 2.5m ish in size. The rails are 72 inches long and added to that you can get 30 inches or so of rip capacity which makes a possible length in that configuration of almost 9 feet and I just can’t afford that real estate considering all the other stuff I have in there as well.
SOOOOO what will I get for my brass?
Here’s the breakdown.
INCRA's LS32 Positioner is designed specifically for table saw use in conjunction with an INCRA TS Rail System, and is the largest fence positioner of the LS family. It is a direct replacement for the Ultra positioners used with the INCRA TS-II and TS-IIIA Fence Systems, and when equipped with the appropriate sub base, the LS32 can also serve as the foundation of a super-sized, custom router fence system. The LS is the beefiest positioner INCRA have ever produced, with rock-solid fence travels of 810mm (32").
INCRA WonderFence for Routing (Metric)
The WonderFence by INCRA is a heavy-duty, one-fence solution designed for all your routing operations, shaping, edge-forming and precision joinery. The split fence halves and base fence are machined flat to ensure a perfect woodworking surface. You won't find a warp, bend or bow in these INCRA fences. The offset adjustment wedges have literally been machined from solid blocks of aluminum to ensure precise offset adjustability. Setting up for split-fence operations has never been easier or more accurate.
INCRA TS Rails (Pair) for Table Saws - 72in (1828mm)
INCRA TS Rails (Pair) 72in (1828mm) provide a total rip capacity of 810mm (32") and are only supplied as part of our Table Saw Combo Packages.
INCRA Base Mount Unit and TS-111A Rip Fence
The INCRA Base Mount Unit and TS-111A Rip Fence includes a 36" computer-machined rip fence, locking fence glides, positioner base support assembly, all the required brackets and hardware for your table saw system.
Seriously though despite the lame attempts at humour I have nothing bad to say about the system and I’m sad to be parting with it but the bottom line is I can’t accommodate it in the garage resigned I want to do.This stuff is less than 2 years old and like most of my stuff is very lightly used and in good condition. I have all the setup manuals, spare hardware and such as well.
This is a collection only type operation, I wouldn’t trust any carrier with it.
A cursory glance at Woodworkers Workshop would see that this details around the £884.95 mark although it’s currently out of stock.
Asking only £725.

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