Whilst you might say that our govt is just a rubbish. Some of which may be true in the sense that it has and does authorise illegal (under international law) detention and extradition etc for it's citizens (and others) to be sent to countries where they will obviously be tortured at secret 'black sites'. Last I checked our govt (did I say the bit about em being rubbish) doesn't have 3 million of the population in concentration camps due to the nature of their ethnicity, religion or culture.
Nor does our govt authorise a soldier to come and live with my wife and children. In my bed whilst I am kept in a prison somewhere whilst they help 'retrain' my wife and kids by raping her and abusing them (emotionally and physically). Then say it's because I'm a terrorist (due to being muslim) so it's all fair game.
Now, with all due respect, really.. and I mean no offence. If you notice I started the thread in the 'off topic' section due to my reasons for wanting to buy a non-China manufactured product. Therefore I even madw the title Bosch Blue or Metabo (trade). Thankfully one of the mods have moved it into the tools/review section.
So please would it be ok to stay on topic and leave all the off topic stuff out of it. How anyone wishes to buy their products is uo to them. I've not bought Coke (due to their affiliation with Israel who abuse the Palestinians) for almost 10 years. Now I'm slowly making the transition of some of my work gear to non-China. Had I lived in the Hitler era and it was allowed I hope to think I'd make the same stance there.
Now... back on topic pls and lets leave the China is good or China is as bad as the US/UK to another thread.
