I went to see my podiatrist today


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Grumpy Old Git
21 Oct 2017
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Decided to visit my podiatrist today

Didn't really think i needed to but hey ho.

Listen chaps, my new boots were a bit tight and a hole in my sock was rubbing, I suppose you all have short toenails? All cleaned up now and booked in for 2025 for another tidy up.
Diet is the only fix for this, (psoriasis) and buying a set of mini Gilbow tin snips for the nails, and olive oil for the skin.

Dr, Ian Billinghurst explains this and NO I am not being smart.
The body needs purging of all types of sugars, which is basically most foods.
Its an anti fermentation diet, which leaves you to eat only a few things.
Hypoglycemia is probable unless one weans themselves off slowly,
Avocados, asparagus, greens, nuts and seeds, bland tomatos, half cooked onions, are near the only thing you can eat, they won't ferment in time in the gut.
Basically no sugars or carbs/starch of any kind, nor other forms of sugar like lactose, fructose, glucose.
Too much protein, and the liver converts it to sugar also.
I could go on, but this is a woodwork forum.

Sugar is so more addictive a than most give consideration for, and causes many many illness.
Not nice when you have to wear sandals and boots without a sole.
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Or a shotgun....
Nothing on earth would make me click that link.
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Diet is the only fix for this, (psoriasis)

My business partner suffers terribly from psoriasis for 50+ years. He has tried everything and dislikes intensely people who think they know the instant cure.
Surely that should be "chiropodist" instead of "podiatrist".
Podiatrist is just the newer version I think John.
I'd have thought you'd have been up on this tbh bearing in mind your UKW signature. With your nine legs all in different states of health I'd have thought you'd be bang on top of all this.

Go on I dare ya :devilish:
I would literally rather poke sharp sticks in your eyes than watch that video Gary. You know in Orwell's 1984 when they find that Winston Smith's dread fear is rats and use it against him? You're close here with stuff like this for my deep and sensible distaste for looking at this sh*t for no reason other than morbid fascination.
(No moral compass! Not outraged etc etc/blah blah blah/internet bollix.... Just a big NO for me generally).
*gagging noises*
There is another video where a chap gets challenged to eat pork scratching while watching that video.

Watching someone eating pork scratching makes me feel sick.

My podiatrist spent many months treating my amputated toes and ulcers on my feet the size of eggs - I don't think I'd have liked a chiropodist to do it.
Treating your amputated toes seems very dedicated but a bit of a waste of time - much better spent on what's still attached to the patient IMHO ;)

A lovely girl I knew at school wanted to be a chiropodist. Still can't get my head round why, even without watching that video.
My business partner suffers terribly from psoriasis for 50+ years. He has tried everything and dislikes intensely people who think they know the instant cure.
I have it bad also, and also can agree with him in hating hearing ignorant comments.
Topical solutions and all that homeopathy malarkey, absolute rubbish.
And the doctors and educated sheep are even worse trying to make folks take Humeria and Methotrexate to cure it and arthritis. (cancer meds)
Such ignorance totally overlooking and dismissing real evidence stating that it goes into remission by itself, even if you prove you can do it multiple times.
I have shown photos of proper plague, gutate, fungal and whatever else they want
to name it this week, and shown them clear skin after having skin that can be peeled like sellotape strips.
Instead they pursue the looney chiropractors beliefs that never had it in the first place.
There can be many many other issues with the body also,
I have a list as long as my arm, and those scary things
can give one that extra push they may need to stop those things from happening.
Its not just a skin disease.

The trouble with the solution is not easy,
It takes absolute dedication, eating the same thing every day is easy,
It's not eating anything else is the hard part.
Not even a taste!

Been around since the Egyptians, what they haven't clicked that historical evidence is not an answer.
In reality it has only been feesable to eliminate psoriasis in recent times, unless one was super wealthy .
How long has avocados or asparagus been available all year round?
The staple diet has been carbs for as long as the history books record.
The evidence is being masked by big pharma, and no one getting paid asks questions.
My mrs works in a wound care clinic, which means they see a lot of diabetic patients with steel toenails like the ones above, but I'll agree, that was pretty gross. The one thick toenail was flakey like a biscuit.