Wizer: I get a lot of help with supply of wood scraps. A forum friend here in Canada sent me 4 white oak planks 2" x 8" x 8ft. long that he had left over from building a deck. He lives in Ontario & had a friend coming to Alberta so threw the planks onto a load that the friend was hauling. Those planks travelled 2200 Kms to get to me.
Another local friend brought me a bunch of white oak along with black walnut. I now have quite a stash pile & just now able to get back into the shop which I have not been able to do for the past 2 weeks. I got up one morning & found myself deaf as a door knob. Managed to get an appointment with the doc. Blocked sinus's. He prescibed a nasal spray & that stuff has been a miracle. I'm still on the med spray but the hearing has returned to almost normal. So I have about 6 weeks of toy making ahead of me to catch up.
I hoard reclaimed stuff, but only from furniture etc. Handles, butts etc. but only brass ones, they are invaluable and can save a lot of cash, the majority of the things that I make are made from re-cycled timber,(I have a lot of Oak), I glean old furniture and break it up, chests of drawers from the thirties are wonderful, 1200mm planks 9mm thick and up to 200 wide are great for new drawers, cabinet sides and boxes etc.
I'm with Paul here. If stuff don't get used in 6 months and it's taking up space that could be used for other more interesting stuff (like planes) get rid of it 'cos chances are it'll never be used - Rob
I reckon you lads who keep a clean tidy shop, with no hoarded "stuff" are to be admired! If, like me, you were brought up on a farm in the 1940s, then you would have been drilled almost from birth that stuff should be saved and re-used. I still have to try very hard to stop myself straightening nails out of old timber........