I need a Doctor......


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Thank you, it's worth a call. Incidentally, I bought a Stanley disposable tenon saw which in truth was not too bad although the handle didn't fit my hand, or that of anyone unless they were still way back down the Simian line.
Things have changed now.

You need to download the app and make sure you send your request at bang on 9am. If you're one of the lucky 20 that day who have messaged early enough, the doctor may message you back suggesting a remedy which certainly won't involve you seeing the doctor. Then they will close your request.....

There has been a significant increase in self fettling (not like that, get your mind out of the gutter) as its now nearly impossible to see a doctor in person.
In my area, you have to stand outside the surgery door at 0800 to get an appointment, usually accompanied by fifteen other optimistic people, ever so convenient when you are ill or is that saw.

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