This might help you

Fit like loon?:- Fit like, means-how are you?. Loon is a boy, so how are you boy? Fit means what. Fit like loon literally translates to What like boy, but you are asking how they are.
......Ach, nae bad, just chavin awaw:- Ach, nae bad, means -oh, I'm not bad(i'm OK). chavin away, means working away, but chavin can also mean someone who won't stay still. My father used to call me a chavin bug**r, I was always flying about.
Quine, can ye spear yer mither fit she's haein for fly. Quine= girl. Can you spear yer mither, means-can you ask your mother. Fit she's haein for fly. What she is having for tea. When working, you would stop and have your fly- that's just a quick cup of tea in the morning and afternoon.
My aul-man was born and brocht up in Aiberdeenshire - My father was born and brought up in Aberdeenshire.