How I store my hand tools - how do you do yours?

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Shultzy":23z86ru6 said:
Mattty":23z86ru6 said:
I made a Lignum mallet from a bowling ball nearly 20 years ago and it was superb.

Mattty, are all bowling balls Lignum Vitae, I have a couple and wouldn't mind making a good mallet out of one of them.

I believe the older ones are.. Certainly the better quality woods will be LV.
I ran some down on eBay, but they were too nice to turn into a mallet/s. I am still looking!
woodbloke":39ibvmdw said:
For Mike G again, here's a few more:


Benchwayze":3sib04bp said:
Ask him how many cricket bats and balls he's got tucked away! :wink:
Cheers Mike! :)

Two and none (I don't collect! :D )

..and just for Mike. This is my somewhat minimal plane collection

I like you more and more Tom......even though you have about twice as many planes as you need.....

Come on Tom - you're letting the Collectors side down. I don't see a jointer for a kick off.

Nice LN by the way :wink:


Mike Garnham":2kzedruu said:
Benchwayze":2kzedruu said:
Ask him how many cricket bats and balls he's got tucked away! :wink:
Cheers Mike! :)

Two and none (I don't collect! :D )

..and just for Mike. This is my somewhat minimal plane collection

I like you more and more Tom......even though you have about twice as many planes as you need.....


I wish I didn't collect.. But I do! :D
Karl: Honestly, I can't see me buying many more planes. I think the only one I want is a scraper plane. I have no desire to dimension wood by hand, life is too short. I'd buy a compass plane if one come up. The No.9 is a pure luxury, but it's fantastic in use. Really glad you forced it on me ;)
So would this count as a collection?


Very jealous of Robs Record screwdriver though :mrgreen:
No, it's an obsession :D

Somebody get that quote from Tom and pin it up on the board somewhere, we can remind him of it when he's bored of having the entire LV catalogue in his shed and is asking us what we think of Norris' :wink:
Come on Rob, Mike's about to have a heart attack :lol:
Let him know not all those planes were yours,
Philly :lol:
Philly":2c3q7879 said:
Come on Rob, Mike's about to have a heart attack :lol:
Let him know not all those planes were yours,
Philly :lol:

OK Philly, I'll come clean :) This collection of ironmongery was assembled at the Bash we had a couple of years ago now at my place. One or four early Phillyplanes there, along with a genuine Krenov plane, my super fettled No4, couple of multi-planes and of course the LN Phillybrush - Rob
Tommo the sawdust maker":1g7vrgp3 said:
Very jealous of Robs Record screwdriver though :mrgreen:
Now I'm confuzzlled :? ...what Record screwdriver, or am I missing something? - Rob
woodbloke":3fyhwwg5 said:
Tommo the sawdust maker":3fyhwwg5 said:
Very jealous of Robs Record screwdriver though :mrgreen:
Now I'm confuzzlled :? ...what Record screwdriver, or am I missing something? - Rob


Isn't that the original screwdriver (lower left) for your Record 405?
Tommo the sawdust maker":18vpicn6 said:
Isn't that the original screwdriver (lower left) for your Record 405?

No, it's mine and it's the screwdriver for my Stanley #55 :D

Cheers :wink:


PS Rob doesn't have a Record #405 but we're working on him :lol: