How do you know you're getting old...

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Well I quite like aging, you can get away with a lot.
And I think old age is a good time to take up the criminal profession. If your 20 and a copper catches you lurking down an alley somewhere he'll pull out his truncheon and arrest you. When you're in your 70's he'll think poor old guy, he must be lost
What Kiwi cops still have truncheons or is that a euphamism
Age is a mind thing wife and i were early morning partying at clubs in Manchester at 60 and the young uns would say i wished my mum ad dad were like you, Still dont think im old even though im wrong .
I remind my daughter (me 68, she 26) when she says I'm a dinosaur that her great grandmother (whom she just about remembers) never owned a house, never had a bathroom, never had an indoor toilet, had never gone abroad or held a passport, had never used a computer (or even a calculator) or a mobile phone. She had never driven a motor vehicle or flown in a plane either.
When you realise a lot of people are past it except you...Courted & married my young lady who is still with me and I talked to her on an early date about the new band called the Beatles and that I enjoyed listening to Johnny Cash; she in innocence or (thinking) who is this eager/stupid young idiot and asked me are they in the same band.

Almost all of them now dead some having suffered repeatedly from drugs; thankfully I could not afford any drugs except my pipe and occasional pints. Pipe now long ago abandoned with occasional whisky or brandy replacing pints.
I remind my daughter (me 68, she 26) when she says I'm a dinosaur that her great grandmother (whom she just about remembers) never owned a house, never had a bathroom, never had an indoor toilet, had never gone abroad or held a passport, had never used a computer (or even a calculator) or a mobile phone. She had never driven a motor vehicle or flown in a plane either.

The abroad thing is curious (one of my grandmothers never did the things you mentioned except she did have an indoor toilet - it was under the steps in a house that didn't even have a kitchen at the start - none did. I posted a few forums up about the magic of the under-the-stairs toilet that was created early on to have a pot in the house. Box in the stairs, put plaster and lath over the bottoms and then you have a toilet in the apex of the stairs that you battle to get close enough to without banging your head).

In the US, I don't know what percent have a passport (I don't, and probably won't unless I have a business reason). I would've traveled abroad in school if it's required, but abroad here generally means to europe or asia, so there is no convenient cheap flight where you can just get somewhere in an hour or two (that's florida instead).

Then again, there are kids in some places - especially suburban philadelphia - who have never been to city center in philly. I met one a couple of years ago - 25 years old, grew up half an hour outside of philly in an affluent area and never went into the city in his life.
Apparently you are old if you can remember the first laptop computers being introduced and really old if you can recall a life before digital watches, pocket calculators, mobile phones and personal computers. Well that’s according to my kids anyway.
showing my young nephew and nieces the latest and greatest in technology - my casio databank watch and psion 3 then feeling a tad behind the curve when they look up from their 8k tablets and Samsung78 phones and snigger
You know you are getting old when you waist measurement overtakes your inside leg measurement.

One that goes with that (Fortunately not for me yet), when the belt goes over a belly instead of residing under it. Not sure if that's specific enough, but a lot of the older big guys where I grew up - before the internet and cell phone cameras where everyone had to worry about how they looked, the older guys often hiked up their pants and adjusted their belt around their belly instead of trying to let it hang over their pants.

Probably nipple to belt buckle vs. buckle to ground ratio is a reasonable indicator of age group.