Hot tub

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Established Member
6 Apr 2009
Reaction score
Twyning, Gloucestershire.
My neighbours have just bought this hot tub:

It doesn't appear to be treated and the instructions are not to treat it. It stays outside and has varying amounts of water in it all year round (full when in use, 30cm when not in use). My question is why does the wood not rot? They apparently have a shelf life of about 20 years!

:oops: :oops: :oops: oops put this in the wrong place, sorry. Can a moderator move it to 'General' category please?
Thank you Froggy.

mod edit:- hot-tub-t71548.html
That looks to be redwood that we all use so much of.
For 20 years use, as you have described, it has to be treated.
Can you not even smell a hint of preserver, or even absolut vodka?
Regards Rodders
Pour red bull on the control circuits and then ypu can travel back in time.

I have no idea about the wood rot question, however.
Yes that it a woodburner to heat the water and as we have plenty of free wood around here I would use it to have a bath in!! I haven't sniffed the wood for preserver, just went on my neighbours opinion. But even with preserver that seems a long time to last when constantly submerged in water.
Probably made from Cedar Wood - high rise blocks in the USA still use them on their roof tops for water tanks - they are not treated.

If it stays wet it should be fine, it's when wood gets wet and then dries out again continually it rots. Look at wooden piers, last ages.
Dimmaz88":184yn80h said:
If it stays wet it should be fine, it's when wood gets wet and then dries out again continually it rots. Look at wooden piers, last ages.

Yes, fair point. But when this is not in use there is only 30cm of water in the bottom leaving the rest exposed to the air when it was previously wet. That's the bit I don't understand.
Baldhead":pavsb5rk said:
I've fancied a one of these for years, haven't got the room though, is that a diving board next to the heater, if so it looks a bit flimsy to me :lol:

The 'diving board' is apparently a drinks tray!
I'm pretty sure someone here, or maybe on the other side, made one of these themselves and it worked a treat.

Looks awesome but I haven't managed to persuade the mrs yet