Hi from Southampton


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28 Jan 2025
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Hello everyone - This is the first time I have been a member of a forum where I am hoping to meet new people, share some of my experiences and pick the brains of craftsmen which I am sure are far more skilled than me. I have always been interested in using my hands which is why I became an engineer in the Royal Navy at the age of 17 working my way up the greasy pole to Shipwright (Chippy/Wood Butcher). Now retired from a Water Company I have set up a workshop intending to make items for gifts/sale as a hobby. I look forward to chatting with like minded folk and if there are any ex matelots out there it would be great to hear from you.
Hiya how are you doing. Whilst I have never been in the navy (royal or merchant) I have been proud to fly the red ensign. At one stage my sailing partner flew her air force ensign. Pale blue with air force symbol
Making to sale, interesting hope it goes well.
Hello Frank and welcome.
Yes ex-Tiff (Radio Electrical), along the coast in West Sussex. Did my "twelve" and then retrained as an Antique furniture restorer/Cabinet maker. Moved sideways again and built houses!
My experience of this forum is that when dwelling on workshop matters very good but non-workshop matters not so good!
Thanks all for the friendly replies.
I have just bought a second hand Elektra Beckum H333 planner/thicknesser which needs a bit of work so if anyone knows of anyone breaking for spares I would be grateful. Thanks