Established Member
Blister":m8wy3432 said:(I assume you know how to set this???)
Gordon , No I don't
Or, it has further occurred to me.......if you have lots of room on your hard disk, you could just import the music as AIFFs (choice in the same place as lossless)
This basically, will store a full size digital copy of a CD or whatever so, in theory at least, there should be no drop in quality at all. I just did a test with a bit of Bob Marley. No woman no cry AIFF - 40.9mB / Lossless - 26.5mB so it will use quite a bit more space.
If you use the Mac's drive however, you are still dependent on that for the ultimate quality as well as the internal DAC. I tend to import straight from my CD player or record player and use Audacity to split it all up and make any adjustments..