Established Member
this is long read ,
it gets funny towards the end :lol:
but im running out of ideas to put into the correspondance
your help or ideas appreciated
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 03:02:00 -0800 (PST)
From: Mr Samuel Derbyshire
Subject: 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets
I saw your adverts and i am interested in your(10 kva transformer ,
to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets--£100)advert and do get back to me with
the full present condition and the picture if is available.
Best Regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire
so i wrote back
[email protected] wrote:
hello mr samuel
ill get some photos sorted for you this afternoon
this transformer was in use and removed from site by myself
it is not new but is in good working order
have replaced the two 32 amp sockets as they had there flaps missing
kind regards
he wrote
Thanks for your quick response and i am very sorry for the late response.I'm
okay with the price and the condition.I will want you to get the picture
of the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets,so that
i will be rest assured about this transaction and i will offer you £120
the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets if the
is available,but i'm okay with the sells if the picture is not available
but my company reputable collection agent will take care of the inspect
the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets as soon
you receive the payment and everything concerning this to inform you that i have my company reputable collection agent that will
take care of the collection for the(10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v
socket outlets)from your location and also for the collection of Arcade
for me in Renfrewshire.Hope to read from you soon.Thanks for your
understanding in anticipation.
Best Regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire.
so i wrote
hi mr samuel derbyshire
im very pleased to announce that im waiting for a response from you
can you please send forword contact details so i may contact you
is there any phone number i can ring you on
all the arcades in renfrewshire are closed at this time of year
so your responsable courier may have a long wait from here to there
the wind has been terrible and my wife has been moaning about her terrible wind
the roads are closed as well due to wind and our bedsheets landed on our
neighbours lawn , due to wind
it was a shame as they were clean sheets as well
anyway , how would you like to pay for the transformer ???
ps photo sent with this email
so he wrote
Thanks for your mail response.I am from Canada.i'm okay with the condition
and am okay with the price of 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp
socket outlets.
As regard the collection arrangement,I have spoke to my reputable
collection agent concerning the collection arrangement of the 10 kva transformer
240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets athe from your location and also
to make collection of some other consignment for me in another location and
i will compensate you with £50 to remove the advert as soon as you consider
that the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets has
sold to me from now and I will want you to remove the advert from the site
so that i can be rest assure about this transaction.
As regard the payment i will instructed my business associate in united
kingdom to issue you the cheque in the amount of £3,000 including the collection
fund arrangement for the collection of the 10 kva transformer , 240v to
4x16amp socket outlets and also to make collection of some other consignment
for me in another location and when the cheque cleared in your bank,you
deduct the cost of the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket
outlets and the compensation fees of £100 and the remaining balance will
be send to my company reputable collection agent in cash via western union
money transfer to make arrangement for immediate collection for the 10
transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets and also to make collection
of Arcade Machine for me in another location in Renfrewshire.
If this is okay with you I want you to get back to me ASAP with your
full name,address and landline phone number both mobile number,so that the
payment can be issue out to you. Thanks for your understanding in anticipation.
Best regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire.
so i wrote
hi mr samuel derbyshire
i look forword in anticipation to meet your reputable collection agent based
here in the uk
will your reputable collection agent be bringinging along cash with him
as my advert clearly states
that it is "cash on collection"
ive also put a price which you dont seem to like , im only asking for £100
and you seem bent on paying more for it.
however i did think it was to cheap when i put it on the site .
do you know how much these things cost new ???
neither me or my wife have a western union bank account . so a cheque from
them wont be any good
please be careful about your reputable collection agent in uk . like i said
in an earlier mail
all the arcades in renfrewshire are closed at this time of year
you dont want him to take your money and runn off with it, now do you ?
anyway , my wife got our sheets back from the neighbour and her wind has
calmed down
she says "HI"
she thinks your a very nice man and says that i make friends too easily
your immediate anticipation would be appreciated in this matter , as another
fella has made an enquiry after it
but ive told him that you want it and your going to get it
are you a christian fella samuel , i always feel better when i deal with
a christian fella
may your god rain peese on you from above
so he wrote
Thanks for the quick reply and your understanding concerning this transaction.i
hope you will understand me now.This is what i meant in my last e-mail sent
to you,i mean i will be arranging for the collection of the 10 kva transformer
240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets and you will be receiving the cheque
of £3,000 and when the cheque cleared,you will deduct the cost of the 10
kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets and the compensation
fees of £50 and remaining balance will be Send to my company reputable collection
agent in cash via Western Union Money Transfer to arrange the collection
of the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets from your
location and also to pickup some other consignment for me in Renfrewshire.If
this is okay with you I want you to get back to me ASAP with your full name,address
and landline phone number both mobile number,so that the payment can be
out to you. Thanks for your understanding in
anticipation.Hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire.
so i wrote
dear mr samuel derbyshire
thank you for your very generous offer of £3000 for a £100 item i have for
i have not removed the item from sale yet ,and you still want to give me
£50 for removeing it
would you like me to palletise the transformer so your reputable collection
agent here in the uk can collect it on a pallet
i would like to build the pallet myself from a very expensive hardwood ,
at least you will be getting your moneys worth
i can build you a pallet to stand the transformer on, out of , lets say ebony
, for a mere £2850
that way then i get to keep the western union transfer of £3000 and we all
go away happy
you get your 10 kva transformer 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets
and i get your money which you seem to be throwing at me
the other fella who is after the tranformer is pushing for an answer if you
still want it .
and i told him your really gonna get it .
so lets do a cyber shake on it and close the deal
im spitting into the palm of my hand as i touch the mouse {this is my end
of the cyber shake }
so its up to you . do we have a deal or not ?
please carry out the action of cyber shake so i am convinced of your good
i still dont have a western union bank account , is this a problem ??
waiting to read your writtings
so he wrote
Thanks for your quick response and your understanding concerning this transaction.I just want you to know that you will be receivimg the cheque of £3,000 and you will deduct the cost of the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets and the compensation fees of £50 as soon as the cheque clear in your bank and i'm okay with you concerning this transaction.If this is okay with you I want you to get back to me ASAP with your full name,address and landline phone number both mobile number,so that the payment can be issue out to you. Thanks for your understanding in anticipation.Hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire.
so i wrote
hi mr samuel derbyshire
im not getting the good intention vibes of cyber handshake , can you please
carry out this action before we go any further . thank you .
im also looking forword to recieving your payment for the transformer , what
a very generous man you are
i saw a western union sign in town the other day and im going to go there
and open an account with them .
ill take along my last county court judgement as proof of identity , do you
think this will do ???
do you still want me to palletize the transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp
socket outlets .???
the other fella who wants the transformer has offered more money than my
advertised price
would you like to make a bigger offer . i dont like to ask but business is
business .
looking forword to you pleasant repose
I thought id lost lost him altogether , but heres the latest update
anyway . he wrote back
Thanks for your reply and your understanding concerning this transaction.I will want you to give me your details for the payment,so that i can be able to call you on phone before you will receive the cheque and i'm okay with you concerning this transaction.If this is okay with you I want you to get back to me ASAP with your full name,address and landline phone number both mobile number,so that the payment can be issue out to you. Thanks for your understanding in anticipationHope to read from you soon.
Best Regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire.
so i wrote back to him
phone number courtesy of my daughter {old pay a nd go }
hello mr scamuel derbyshire
ive managed to open a western union account
i was wary difficult
the man in the shop was going to take my money and not give me a reciept
i really hate bargeing past those street traders and counting out £2850 over
a pile of fresh melons and coconuts . dont you ? he says he offers a money
laundry servise as well . but the exchange rate is hopeless .
anyway i managed to make a deposit of £2850 and it is waiting to deposit
in your account
i explained to the man that this is your change for the cheque you ar8e send
to me
but i cant send money without your bank account number and phone number and
mobile number and address
i can imagine you have a same problem
heres my mobile number so you ring tommorow
its a shame to know that you dont want the pallet servive that i can offer
can you tell me how long a wait i have for your cheque to clear ??
we can sort out and exchange dressizs when your ring
how long can this go on ??? :lol:
so he wrote
Thanks for your quick response and your honesty feeling concerning
this transaction.I will want you to know that you don't need bank account
details and i will want you to know that you will send the money to the collection
agent that will take care of the collection arrangement of the 10 kva transformer
240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets and some other consignment in another
location and they will give you their details to receive the money as soon
as the cheque clear in your bank and i will give you the collection agent
email address as soon as you receive the cheque,so that they can contact
you through email address and i will want to know if you are okay with me
to receive the cheque of £3,000 and you will deduct the cost of the 10 kva
transformer 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets and the compensation fees
of £50 as soon as the cheque clear in your bank and you will send the remaining
balance to the collection agent in cash via western union money
transfer as soon as the cheque clear in your bank. If this is okay with
you I want you to get back to me ASAP with your full name,address and landline
phone number both mobile number,so that the payment can be issue out to you.
Thanks for your understanding in anticipation.Hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire.
so i wrote
hi mr scamuel derbyshire
let me get this proper ,you want to send me cheque for £3000
now after all the trouble ive been through to get a western union bank account , you tell me i dont need a western union bank account . make up your mind , or ill be thinking that your pulling my leg and dont have £3000 to give to me.
can you tell me who the reputable collection agent is so i can organize for a collection {when cheque clears}
as the transformer is making dents in the carpet in the front room , we had to use it as a coffee table as i have nowhere else to put it
im not getting that "honesty feeling concern" maybe another cyber hand shake will convince me of your good intentions
ive sent you a number to ring so you can talk to it
can you send the cheque to the reputable collection agent , and let him clear it ??? ive put by some more money for you
as your a good business man and i want this to be the start of a good business relationship
you seem to be in a rush to get both my mobile numbers , but i only have one number
oh nearly forgot my address to send a cheque to
20 park drive
virginia strand
old holborn place
10pk 20pk
looking forword to reading your writings
it gets funny towards the end :lol:
but im running out of ideas to put into the correspondance
your help or ideas appreciated
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 03:02:00 -0800 (PST)
From: Mr Samuel Derbyshire
Subject: 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets
I saw your adverts and i am interested in your(10 kva transformer ,
to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets--£100)advert and do get back to me with
the full present condition and the picture if is available.
Best Regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire
so i wrote back
[email protected] wrote:
hello mr samuel
ill get some photos sorted for you this afternoon
this transformer was in use and removed from site by myself
it is not new but is in good working order
have replaced the two 32 amp sockets as they had there flaps missing
kind regards
he wrote
Thanks for your quick response and i am very sorry for the late response.I'm
okay with the price and the condition.I will want you to get the picture
of the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets,so that
i will be rest assured about this transaction and i will offer you £120
the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets if the
is available,but i'm okay with the sells if the picture is not available
but my company reputable collection agent will take care of the inspect
the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets as soon
you receive the payment and everything concerning this to inform you that i have my company reputable collection agent that will
take care of the collection for the(10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v
socket outlets)from your location and also for the collection of Arcade
for me in Renfrewshire.Hope to read from you soon.Thanks for your
understanding in anticipation.
Best Regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire.
so i wrote
hi mr samuel derbyshire
im very pleased to announce that im waiting for a response from you
can you please send forword contact details so i may contact you
is there any phone number i can ring you on
all the arcades in renfrewshire are closed at this time of year
so your responsable courier may have a long wait from here to there
the wind has been terrible and my wife has been moaning about her terrible wind
the roads are closed as well due to wind and our bedsheets landed on our
neighbours lawn , due to wind
it was a shame as they were clean sheets as well
anyway , how would you like to pay for the transformer ???
ps photo sent with this email
so he wrote
Thanks for your mail response.I am from Canada.i'm okay with the condition
and am okay with the price of 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp
socket outlets.
As regard the collection arrangement,I have spoke to my reputable
collection agent concerning the collection arrangement of the 10 kva transformer
240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets athe from your location and also
to make collection of some other consignment for me in another location and
i will compensate you with £50 to remove the advert as soon as you consider
that the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets has
sold to me from now and I will want you to remove the advert from the site
so that i can be rest assure about this transaction.
As regard the payment i will instructed my business associate in united
kingdom to issue you the cheque in the amount of £3,000 including the collection
fund arrangement for the collection of the 10 kva transformer , 240v to
4x16amp socket outlets and also to make collection of some other consignment
for me in another location and when the cheque cleared in your bank,you
deduct the cost of the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket
outlets and the compensation fees of £100 and the remaining balance will
be send to my company reputable collection agent in cash via western union
money transfer to make arrangement for immediate collection for the 10
transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets and also to make collection
of Arcade Machine for me in another location in Renfrewshire.
If this is okay with you I want you to get back to me ASAP with your
full name,address and landline phone number both mobile number,so that the
payment can be issue out to you. Thanks for your understanding in anticipation.
Best regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire.
so i wrote
hi mr samuel derbyshire
i look forword in anticipation to meet your reputable collection agent based
here in the uk
will your reputable collection agent be bringinging along cash with him
as my advert clearly states
that it is "cash on collection"
ive also put a price which you dont seem to like , im only asking for £100
and you seem bent on paying more for it.
however i did think it was to cheap when i put it on the site .
do you know how much these things cost new ???
neither me or my wife have a western union bank account . so a cheque from
them wont be any good
please be careful about your reputable collection agent in uk . like i said
in an earlier mail
all the arcades in renfrewshire are closed at this time of year
you dont want him to take your money and runn off with it, now do you ?
anyway , my wife got our sheets back from the neighbour and her wind has
calmed down
she says "HI"
she thinks your a very nice man and says that i make friends too easily
your immediate anticipation would be appreciated in this matter , as another
fella has made an enquiry after it
but ive told him that you want it and your going to get it
are you a christian fella samuel , i always feel better when i deal with
a christian fella
may your god rain peese on you from above
so he wrote
Thanks for the quick reply and your understanding concerning this transaction.i
hope you will understand me now.This is what i meant in my last e-mail sent
to you,i mean i will be arranging for the collection of the 10 kva transformer
240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets and you will be receiving the cheque
of £3,000 and when the cheque cleared,you will deduct the cost of the 10
kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets and the compensation
fees of £50 and remaining balance will be Send to my company reputable collection
agent in cash via Western Union Money Transfer to arrange the collection
of the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets from your
location and also to pickup some other consignment for me in Renfrewshire.If
this is okay with you I want you to get back to me ASAP with your full name,address
and landline phone number both mobile number,so that the payment can be
out to you. Thanks for your understanding in
anticipation.Hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire.
so i wrote
dear mr samuel derbyshire
thank you for your very generous offer of £3000 for a £100 item i have for
i have not removed the item from sale yet ,and you still want to give me
£50 for removeing it
would you like me to palletise the transformer so your reputable collection
agent here in the uk can collect it on a pallet
i would like to build the pallet myself from a very expensive hardwood ,
at least you will be getting your moneys worth
i can build you a pallet to stand the transformer on, out of , lets say ebony
, for a mere £2850
that way then i get to keep the western union transfer of £3000 and we all
go away happy
you get your 10 kva transformer 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets
and i get your money which you seem to be throwing at me
the other fella who is after the tranformer is pushing for an answer if you
still want it .
and i told him your really gonna get it .
so lets do a cyber shake on it and close the deal
im spitting into the palm of my hand as i touch the mouse {this is my end
of the cyber shake }
so its up to you . do we have a deal or not ?
please carry out the action of cyber shake so i am convinced of your good
i still dont have a western union bank account , is this a problem ??
waiting to read your writtings
so he wrote
Thanks for your quick response and your understanding concerning this transaction.I just want you to know that you will be receivimg the cheque of £3,000 and you will deduct the cost of the 10 kva transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets and the compensation fees of £50 as soon as the cheque clear in your bank and i'm okay with you concerning this transaction.If this is okay with you I want you to get back to me ASAP with your full name,address and landline phone number both mobile number,so that the payment can be issue out to you. Thanks for your understanding in anticipation.Hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire.
so i wrote
hi mr samuel derbyshire
im not getting the good intention vibes of cyber handshake , can you please
carry out this action before we go any further . thank you .
im also looking forword to recieving your payment for the transformer , what
a very generous man you are
i saw a western union sign in town the other day and im going to go there
and open an account with them .
ill take along my last county court judgement as proof of identity , do you
think this will do ???
do you still want me to palletize the transformer , 240v to 110v , 4x16amp
socket outlets .???
the other fella who wants the transformer has offered more money than my
advertised price
would you like to make a bigger offer . i dont like to ask but business is
business .
looking forword to you pleasant repose
I thought id lost lost him altogether , but heres the latest update
anyway . he wrote back
Thanks for your reply and your understanding concerning this transaction.I will want you to give me your details for the payment,so that i can be able to call you on phone before you will receive the cheque and i'm okay with you concerning this transaction.If this is okay with you I want you to get back to me ASAP with your full name,address and landline phone number both mobile number,so that the payment can be issue out to you. Thanks for your understanding in anticipationHope to read from you soon.
Best Regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire.
so i wrote back to him
phone number courtesy of my daughter {old pay a nd go }
hello mr scamuel derbyshire
ive managed to open a western union account
i was wary difficult
the man in the shop was going to take my money and not give me a reciept
i really hate bargeing past those street traders and counting out £2850 over
a pile of fresh melons and coconuts . dont you ? he says he offers a money
laundry servise as well . but the exchange rate is hopeless .
anyway i managed to make a deposit of £2850 and it is waiting to deposit
in your account
i explained to the man that this is your change for the cheque you ar8e send
to me
but i cant send money without your bank account number and phone number and
mobile number and address
i can imagine you have a same problem
heres my mobile number so you ring tommorow
its a shame to know that you dont want the pallet servive that i can offer
can you tell me how long a wait i have for your cheque to clear ??
we can sort out and exchange dressizs when your ring
how long can this go on ??? :lol:
so he wrote
Thanks for your quick response and your honesty feeling concerning
this transaction.I will want you to know that you don't need bank account
details and i will want you to know that you will send the money to the collection
agent that will take care of the collection arrangement of the 10 kva transformer
240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets and some other consignment in another
location and they will give you their details to receive the money as soon
as the cheque clear in your bank and i will give you the collection agent
email address as soon as you receive the cheque,so that they can contact
you through email address and i will want to know if you are okay with me
to receive the cheque of £3,000 and you will deduct the cost of the 10 kva
transformer 240v to 110v , 4x16amp socket outlets and the compensation fees
of £50 as soon as the cheque clear in your bank and you will send the remaining
balance to the collection agent in cash via western union money
transfer as soon as the cheque clear in your bank. If this is okay with
you I want you to get back to me ASAP with your full name,address and landline
phone number both mobile number,so that the payment can be issue out to you.
Thanks for your understanding in anticipation.Hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards.
Mr Samuel Derbyshire.
so i wrote
hi mr scamuel derbyshire
let me get this proper ,you want to send me cheque for £3000
now after all the trouble ive been through to get a western union bank account , you tell me i dont need a western union bank account . make up your mind , or ill be thinking that your pulling my leg and dont have £3000 to give to me.
can you tell me who the reputable collection agent is so i can organize for a collection {when cheque clears}
as the transformer is making dents in the carpet in the front room , we had to use it as a coffee table as i have nowhere else to put it
im not getting that "honesty feeling concern" maybe another cyber hand shake will convince me of your good intentions
ive sent you a number to ring so you can talk to it
can you send the cheque to the reputable collection agent , and let him clear it ??? ive put by some more money for you
as your a good business man and i want this to be the start of a good business relationship
you seem to be in a rush to get both my mobile numbers , but i only have one number
oh nearly forgot my address to send a cheque to
20 park drive
virginia strand
old holborn place
10pk 20pk
looking forword to reading your writings