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user 45102

New member
19 Jul 2024
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

I'm a semi-retired joiner. I've been in the trade for 20+ years and enjoyed working with wood for most of my life.

Unfortunately, due to a recent bereavement, I'm finding myself needing a bit more connection and support. This forum seems like a great community, and I'm hoping I can participate in discussions and learn from all of your experience.

I'm also looking for a bit of a sounding board as I navigate this difficult time. If that's alright, I might occasionally post questions or seek advice on projects – both woodworking and maybe even some life stuff.

Thanks for having me, and I look forward to getting to know all of you!
Welcome, your insights and experience will be a wonderful addition. The characters on this forum will make you smile, it’s a good bunch of people.
Welcome to ukw - sorry to hear of your loss, I too joined after several bereavements and multiple other issues. You will get help advise etc and also discover other members with the same or similar issues but we all have a passion for woodworking and of course tools and machines.. welcome aboard..
Welcome. This place is not shy about giving advice on anything from woodworking to life issues, plenty of experience with both from the members. We’re also pretty good at listening and empathising, likely well practiced through hundreds of years of marriage between us all.
Hi everyone,

I'm a semi-retired joiner. I've been in the trade for 20+ years and enjoyed working with wood for most of my life.

Unfortunately, due to a recent bereavement, I'm finding myself needing a bit more connection and support. This forum seems like a great community, and I'm hoping I can participate in discussions and learn from all of your experience.

I'm also looking for a bit of a sounding board as I navigate this difficult time. If that's alright, I might occasionally post questions or seek advice on projects – both woodworking and maybe even some life stuff.

Thanks for having me, and I look forward to getting to know all of you!
Hiya mate,
I hear and get you. I had a bereavement early this year and I understand the thought process.
I’m an electrical engineer with a love of timber and tools 🙄
Be good to yourself and just keep aiming for that perfect woodworking joint, I done I lose track of time that way
Good morning @Buzzer12 .
Welcome to the forum. In my experience it takes some time to deal with a bereavement. I wish you all the best during this difficult time.
Hi everyone,

I'm a semi-retired joiner. I've been in the trade for 20+ years and enjoyed working with wood for most of my life.

Unfortunately, due to a recent bereavement, I'm finding myself needing a bit more connection and support. This forum seems like a great community, and I'm hoping I can participate in discussions and learn from all of your experience.

I'm also looking for a bit of a sounding board as I navigate this difficult time. If that's alright, I might occasionally post questions or seek advice on projects – both woodworking and maybe even some life stuff.

Thanks for having me, and I look forward to getting to know all of you!
Hello Buzzer I am involved in a Charity in North Manchester rammymen.org, please have a look at our website. Recently we have opened a woodshop. We may be able to help you and you may be able to help us. If interested let me know and we can arrange a chat. Steve
Welcome Buzzer. Keep your pecker up during your difficult time. You seem to have the right attitude in not being afraid to seek help and support so I'm sure you're going to be OK.
@Steve O'Dell I've just had a look at the rammy men site: what an incredible and inclusive organisation and I can see why you've suggested that Buzzer looks at it. I'm sure he can be both helped by and ultimately a benefit to them. I wish we had something similar down in Sussex. We have Men's Shed but nothing as organised or offering such a wide skill set. I've not been to my local one because I'm really busy and because of crowding and safety.
Keep smiling Buzzer