Hello from The NW near Manchester... almost an ex Design Technology Teacher of 30 years here to introduce myself.


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12 Apr 2023
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Bacup, Lancashire
Hello everyone,
I finally found the time to get to say hello. So, HELLO ALL...

I am currently a Head of subject Design and Technology of 30 years and a time-served cabinet maker and engineer in two previous wives... oops I meant lives (not really). lol
I am making waves to retire as soon as I can and have been building my self-promised workshop for the third of life`s semester. I promised this workshop to myself 30 years ago. The trouble with teaching all day in a workshop environment meant I just never got around to doing it at home, also.
A wise tutor at Uni said to me 30 years ago. 'Chris, are you sure you want to teach? it`s a lot different to doing....' Boy was he right... Where has my individuality gone...? my personal freedom of creative expression... Well, I have been building and trying to kit it out for three years now and it`s probably 80% done at the moment... or is it ever done really?

I have a passion and love of old tools, equipment, and processes even though I have gone with the times as I have taught over the years and grown with the tech that goes with the trades... and hence my additional love to create in tradition fashion but also with a modern technical flair or twist in there somewhere...

I plan to waste away the days in retirement doing what I left behind 30 years ago. The funny thing is that all that time ago I didn`t have a dime to my name and scraped and scrounged every tool and material I had. Now I am able to build a workshop with a little bit more ££ backing...(not much us poor teachers) and there in lies the essence... I still retain the joy of restoration. buy cheap. Find, fix, restore, and all that good stuff with regard to tools materials and equipment. I actually think this is one of the most exciting parts of putting a home workshop together. 'Owt for nowt' or the 'give it another lease of life' scenarios.

Anyway, before you all fall asleep... I am really hoping to make lots of new acquaintances on here and maybe, just maybe some of you are as mad as I !. ...

The knowledge out there is endless and I`m sure you will agree.... every day is a school day..... even for the teacher ..lol

Hello to you all.. I`m glad to be a part.... if you will have me...

Chris Jones. Bacup, Lancashire.
Hello everyone,
I finally found the time to get to say hello. So, HELLO ALL...

I am currently a Head of subject Design and Technology of 30 years and a time-served cabinet maker and engineer in two previous wives... oops I meant lives (not really). lol
I am making waves to retire as soon as I can and have been building my self-promised workshop for the third of life`s semester. I promised this workshop to myself 30 years ago. The trouble with teaching all day in a workshop environment meant I just never got around to doing it at home, also.
A wise tutor at Uni said to me 30 years ago. 'Chris, are you sure you want to teach? it`s a lot different to doing....' Boy was he right... Where has my individuality gone...? my personal freedom of creative expression... Well, I have been building and trying to kit it out for three years now and it`s probably 80% done at the moment... or is it ever done really?

I have a passion and love of old tools, equipment, and processes even though I have gone with the times as I have taught over the years and grown with the tech that goes with the trades... and hence my additional love to create in tradition fashion but also with a modern technical flair or twist in there somewhere...

I plan to waste away the days in retirement doing what I left behind 30 years ago. The funny thing is that all that time ago I didn`t have a dime to my name and scraped and scrounged every tool and material I had. Now I am able to build a workshop with a little bit more ££ backing...(not much us poor teachers) and there in lies the essence... I still retain the joy of restoration. buy cheap. Find, fix, restore, and all that good stuff with regard to tools materials and equipment. I actually think this is one of the most exciting parts of putting a home workshop together. 'Owt for nowt' or the 'give it another lease of life' scenarios.

Anyway, before you all fall asleep... I am really hoping to make lots of new acquaintances on here and maybe, just maybe some of you are as mad as I !. ...

The knowledge out there is endless and I`m sure you will agree.... every day is a school day..... even for the teacher ..lol

Hello to you all.. I`m glad to be a part.... if you will have me...

Chris Jones. Bacup, Lancashire.
Hello and welcome ,,I’ve thought for years that I’m a little mad but I’ve stopped worrying about it 🫣 🫣
Hello everyone,
I finally found the time to get to say hello. So, HELLO ALL...

I am currently a Head of subject Design and Technology of 30 years and a time-served cabinet maker and engineer in two previous wives... oops I meant lives (not really). lol
I am making waves to retire as soon as I can and have been building my self-promised workshop for the third of life`s semester. I promised this workshop to myself 30 years ago. The trouble with teaching all day in a workshop environment meant I just never got around to doing it at home, also.
A wise tutor at Uni said to me 30 years ago. 'Chris, are you sure you want to teach? it`s a lot different to doing....' Boy was he right... Where has my individuality gone...? my personal freedom of creative expression... Well, I have been building and trying to kit it out for three years now and it`s probably 80% done at the moment... or is it ever done really?

I have a passion and love of old tools, equipment, and processes even though I have gone with the times as I have taught over the years and grown with the tech that goes with the trades... and hence my additional love to create in tradition fashion but also with a modern technical flair or twist in there somewhere...

I plan to waste away the days in retirement doing what I left behind 30 years ago. The funny thing is that all that time ago I didn`t have a dime to my name and scraped and scrounged every tool and material I had. Now I am able to build a workshop with a little bit more ££ backing...(not much us poor teachers) and there in lies the essence... I still retain the joy of restoration. buy cheap. Find, fix, restore, and all that good stuff with regard to tools materials and equipment. I actually think this is one of the most exciting parts of putting a home workshop together. 'Owt for nowt' or the 'give it another lease of life' scenarios.

Anyway, before you all fall asleep... I am really hoping to make lots of new acquaintances on here and maybe, just maybe some of you are as mad as I !. ...

The knowledge out there is endless and I`m sure you will agree.... every day is a school day..... even for the teacher ..lol

Hello to you all.. I`m glad to be a part.... if you will have me...

Chris Jones. Bacup, Lancashire.
Welcome to the madhouse!
Saluté!! From an equally retired teacher. I did 37 years at the chalk face and three in industry before that.
Your sense of proportion and humour seem to have survived Gove et al, so "Welcome!".
Hiya welcome, from here in Hampshire.
I worked in infants and junior schools for 20 years as a non teaching member of staff. Well I say non teaching, I had two days a year where I took class as an outside expert. Now retired.
Hi also retired after 40 years in education nursery, infants secondary and college, Last 17 years in charge of workshops in a Private school so lip service to National Curriculum etc so long as we got results. Latterly had lots of girls making Mackintosh style chairs and dressing tables!
Very fortunate to have a retired turner and a retired HoD from local school working for enjoyment rather than money. I miss the workshop banter🤣
Hiya welcome, from here in Hampshire.
I worked in infants and junior schools for 20 years as a non teaching member of staff. Well I say non teaching, I had two days a year where I took class as an outside expert. Now retired.
Hello Katomi, thank you; it`s great to be here. 🤟 What a great surname... for-real? Ah you nurtured the ankle-biters. Harder work IMO.
Welcome to the forum @Chris Jones
I've loved my retirement. I wish the same for you.
All the best
My b.i.l. has just retired as head of a DT department in NZ. He taught for 18 years after a life as a ship's joiner.
I remember a letter written several years ago by a chap who was at school in WW2 - he said he was fortunate, he couldn't have better teachers - his woodwork master was a retired cabinet maker and his metal work master was a retired blacksmith.
Welcome to the forum @Chris Jones
I've loved my retirement. I wish the same for you.
All the best
Hello Fred, well, thank you very much for saying so. I`ve heard from so many retired people how they ever found the time to 'work'. I`m a bit of a 'List' man, … and it would appear that the list I have for my upcoming retirement is my longest one yet!
My b.i.l. has just retired as head of a DT department in NZ. He taught for 18 years after a life as a ship's joiner.
I remember a letter written several years ago by a chap who was at school in WW2 - he said he was fortunate, he couldn't have better teachers - his woodwork master was a retired cabinet maker and his metal work master was a retired blacksmith.
Hello Bill, .. New Zealand !. Amazing. I have an old friend that I know from serving my apprenticeship as a cabinet maker who emigrated to NZ many years ago now. He and his family have never once looked back. The pictures he sends me and the experiences he has had so far are just simply amazing. I have taught for 30 years now and have been a HoD for 28 of those. My colleague, at the moment (as I have not quite retired just yet) is of a similar ilk. We often chat about the sad situation whereby we consider ourselves a dying breed after years of de-skilling in this country. I won`t get into it but I do get rather irritated having spent 4 years in a craft apprenticeship and a further 4 years getting a Masters in Education to become the educator I am and now it would seem these days one can chuck a couple of grand at an independent education institute and become a `Teacher of Design & Technology` ... The quality of teaching and level of knowledge and experience is mostly appalling (IMHO). Meanwhile, this watered-down level of knowledge, skills, and understanding is currently educating our future Designers, Makers, and Craftspeople.... This said... This country has a vast population of naturally gifted and talented people who will create no matter how good / or bad their formal qualifications are. Oh, dear... Sorry... I did rant a little.... I am very passionate with regards to making and educating…. Thank you for the introduction, Phil. I apologise if I bored you to sleep just now… 🤣. Chris.