I've done my best over the years to conserve resources since I learned of CC back in the 70s when I was at school.
At the request of my water supplier to save water I haven't watered my lawn at all this year, my choice of course.
My neighbours however on either side both have paddling pools full of water and are playing outside in 40c heat with the hose running all day and they're having a great time laughing and playing.
The neighbor next to them waters his garden twice a day with his water hose.
Why do I even bother to make a difference when all around me people couldn't care less.
I may as well sell my EV and buy a thumping great V8 and enjoy my final years and join the ranks of the "Don't care" folks.
And this is the problem, we all have to make an effort to make a difference or sadly just give up trying.
We're staring right in the face of the point of no return, this current heatwave is a stark warning to us all but who's seeing it for what it is.
So, might as well give up trying to save the planet for future generations and party 'til the end.

Anyone looking to buy a KIA e-Niro?