For those that think the stats lie, here's my perspective as someone who works at height everyday. I used to 'jump' windows everyday. I'd climb out the window, close it, stand on the window ledge holding on with my fingers 2 /5/ 18 floors up, holding your tools mind and trying not to drop them on some poor beggar 60 foot below. Clean the window then open it, jump back in and move onto the next one. No harness. I used to jump ledges, climbing round the outside of buildings holding on for dear life to gutters, eaves, rotting fascias and window frames. I'd jump from balcony to balcony. We used to use 3 part wooden ladders and we'd bump them. This would involve extending the ladder while climbing it and bumping it off the wall lift a rung, bump it, lift it. Sometimes we'd move the ladders along the side of a building with a fella 3 floors up holding on for dear life. It was normal. Its what everyone did so everyone did it. Never really thought twice about it. I was young, fearless and if I'm honest I liked the risk.
Nowadays you nearly NEVER see it. To the point that if you do, you stop and look and think 'Why are those idiots doing it like that?' Because in the past 10 years odd there has been a sea change. If you're not pricing your work to include H/S recommended safe access then you're doing it wrong. Ladders? Banned except for all but one off jobs that have no other options and then you have a man footing it, tie ins etc
There's reach and wash systems now, you stand on the floor. Why risk your life?
I'm not going to share the stories of men I've known who have died or had life changing accidents like brain injury, but there were a few.
If you'd googled most dangerous jobs in the UK 10 years ago odd, window cleaner was always in the top 3 and normally number 1. I just had a quick (unscientific) look and it's not in the top 5.
Who used to wear seatbelts? Now unless you'e a moron you clunk click. Why wouldn't you?
As rope access worker in a job that most people you meet go with a variation of 'Beggar that for a game of soldiers', I'm all for H/S.
In my experience at least, people who moan about it aren't normally the ones it affects, not really. The ones it affects most are the ones you don't go home to one night, because 'this is the way we've always done it'.
Nowadays you nearly NEVER see it. To the point that if you do, you stop and look and think 'Why are those idiots doing it like that?' Because in the past 10 years odd there has been a sea change. If you're not pricing your work to include H/S recommended safe access then you're doing it wrong. Ladders? Banned except for all but one off jobs that have no other options and then you have a man footing it, tie ins etc
There's reach and wash systems now, you stand on the floor. Why risk your life?
I'm not going to share the stories of men I've known who have died or had life changing accidents like brain injury, but there were a few.
If you'd googled most dangerous jobs in the UK 10 years ago odd, window cleaner was always in the top 3 and normally number 1. I just had a quick (unscientific) look and it's not in the top 5.
Who used to wear seatbelts? Now unless you'e a moron you clunk click. Why wouldn't you?
As rope access worker in a job that most people you meet go with a variation of 'Beggar that for a game of soldiers', I'm all for H/S.
In my experience at least, people who moan about it aren't normally the ones it affects, not really. The ones it affects most are the ones you don't go home to one night, because 'this is the way we've always done it'.