Has anyone here made a wooden clock?


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Mike, I'm on a downer at the moment, just come back from the UK, while there I got my obligatory flu illness, now I'm taking antibiotics like theyre going out of fashion.. etc.... etc.. :( :( :( Couldnt get the one item I really needed because of the incompetence (AGAIN) of Yandles staff. I'm just glad to be back and warm again. (hammer) (hammer) (hammer) (hammer) (hammer) (hammer)

I fully understand the satisfaction of making something that intricate, truly, but you know that once its on your wall, not one of your visitors is going to look past the numbers on the face, or possibly your beautiful case that its in. If by a miracle one of them does, they will not understand anything you try to tell them about how hard and how long it was to make.

(Picture this, Mr Faberge is in his showroom next to a dozen of his master pieces, a peasant comes in, walks around, and asks "do you have any chocolate ones?")

Dont mind me, I'm finally getting some sun on my back, and I'm just sitting by the pool waiting for it to reach a suitable temperature.
I'll be fine by June. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
I have had a look at Brian Laws site and he has the sort of thing you want (I think).
Our 'Shed' purchased a book on wooden clocks just recently and some work has started on the designs in it. There are clocks by Clayton Boyer and Brian Law (among others) and they look very "doable".
Don W
Clayton Boyer and Brian Law seem to have cornered the market for clock plans. I've never built anything to someone else's plans, ever in my life, and I'm pretty determined to design my own. It is actually just some pretty basic maths then a question of aesthetics.