Handtool recomendations


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Established Member
23 Oct 2009
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Im looking for some help with regards to some handtools, im looking to get a smoothing plane and chisels.
With regards to the plane i was looking towards ebay for a stanley or record no.4 or 4 1/2 would this be better and cheaper than going for new ones? also would this be advisable and if so any recomendations over which one?

With regards to chisels, any recomendations on these but not overly expensive as im still fairly new to this?

Thanks for the help :D
Certainly an old Stanley or Record 4 or 4 1/2 would be a good option.

If you could find a pair of knowledgable eyes, you'd probably find something in the Barras (though it's about 25 years since I was there)

Similarly, Ebay is a bit of a lottery, especially if you don't know what to look for nor have the skills to tune up an old plane.

A safe option would be to contact Ray Iles, who can supply a reground vintage plane, which takes out the risk. (Ray does also make rather good replacement blades)
Suggest phoning rather than emailing - he's rather old fashioned, as can be seen from his website:
Phone 01507 525697

His father's company, Ashleigh Iles (now in the hands of his brothers) make good, relatively inexpensive chisels, though there are cheaper options which may serve well. You won't need a full set for starters - but exactly what sizes would be most useful depends on what you plan on doing.

I'm fairly sure there's someone in or around Glasgow who offers short introductions to hand tools - it could be a good first step, as apart from anything, you will need to learn how to sharpen your tools effectively.

[Edit] Here's one (though not the one I was thinking of) who offers full weekend introductions for £180: http://www.franmalloy.co.uk/courses.html

hi gc

IMHO seeing your starting out & budget is to be considered ,the older stanley or record is a good choice , as for chisels it is IMHO the old box wood carver handled marples, or the more modern version with the red and yellow plastic handles are good work horses, which will take a good bashing if needed. hc. :lol: good luck
Thanks for all the info, off to have a look at the links and suggestions, very helpfull.

gc":15plwn35 said:
Im looking for some help with regards to some handtools, im looking to get a smoothing plane and chisels.
With regards to the plane i was looking towards ebay for a stanley or record no.4 or 4 1/2 would this be better and cheaper than going for new ones? also would this be advisable and if so any recomendations over which one?

With regards to chisels, any recomendations on these but not overly expensive as im still fairly new to this?

Thanks for the help :D

I did a review on the Stanley Bailey No.4 Smoothing Plane, it is on my website if you click on the link below and go to tool reviews. I have also got an old 1950's record no.6 which I've got to say is brilliant to use, the old stuff really is the best if its looked after!
Chisels> I've got some of the newish blue handled Irwin Marples chisels, sharpened up on a diamond stone they are brilliant to use!

Hope that helps....
I can't comment on the risks or merits of using e-Bay; but, can recommend one of David Charlesworth's first two books which has a couple of articles about truing up planes and sharpening blades - it really made a difference to the performance I was getting from a Stanley no. 4 that I bought new about five years ago. The consensus seems to be that the older ones were better.

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