Greetings from Romania

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I've said welcome before but I forgot to add if you do get bored or fed up of Poland you certainly will be quite welcome here in Spain. I live just south of Barcelona about 50 km in a seaside town called Sitges, we are known as the Garraf and Penedes region which is very well known for its wine production anyway, it's a lovely place and I have a very close friend here who is actually Romanian he's a games designer producer and he moved for some of the reasons that you mentioned in your introduction, mainly he did it for his soul , he wanted his children to experience a different culture and they've done very well here and likeme fully integrated in to Spanish culture which is so important if you want to succeed here , in this part, there are very few English people there mainly all down in the south of Spain where they remain expats eating their fish and chips and not experiencing the beautiful culture that Spain has on offer. It is such a shame because they're missing out on so many wonderful things.

Learning Spanish can be difficult especially if your English but it is worth doing an opens up all sorts of doors for you and if you want to work here, it's absolutely essential that you learn the language. You cannot rely on English-speaking people or your own countrymen/woman for work.

We do have a Romanian community in this area and woodworkers or carpenters we call them or cabinet makers which is probably what you are. I think are considered a good trade here. It's very rare that people use Wood in construction here.

Everything is concrete and brick and the only wood here is is the doorframe. The actual door is made out of chipboard and laminated and while it looks beautiful if it gets wet that's the end of it, damn things weigh an absolute ton but even the frame and architrave around it is not real word it's just laminated MDF. the only thing that is actually made of anything that resembles Wood is what we call the Pre-Marco it's a wooden frame made of pine or similar that goes in the hole for the doorway, then the bricks go up against that , plastered and then you get the door fitter to come in and fit the doors in, even the rules here are made from concrete and bricks where you have a gable pitched roof that pitch is made from bricks with special very large panel bricks if you like laid between the rows and then tiles on top there is virtually no wood used here at all not even for kitchen worktops that's all done in stone or a modern composite.

So people that work with wood here tend to be cabinet makers and like yourself make furniture and other nice items so you would fit in very well. There are not that many cabinet makers in this area., there is definitely a need for them for sure, I live in a very expensive area and the average house here is over €750,000 going up to several million people like nice quality items because here you really only have three types of furniture store, the very cheap and nasty, IKEA or very expensive. There's definitely not an average type furniture shop here. It is literally just those three types.. nothing in between any of the levels.

The only real trouble here is the expense, it's no longer cheap to live in Spain not by a long way, you can though still buy and find property that is relatively cheap if you're not prepared to live by the sea and move inland away from the major towns. You can still pick up a 10 or 20 acre plot with a house on it in the region of €60-€150,000. It may or may not have electricity or even water, but there are ways to live off grid here with the Sun that does shine here nearly every single day certainly in my area we have over 330 days of sun every single year and solar power and batteries here are luckily quite cheap. You can also get grants from the government but they're no good for three phase equipment so if you buy anything and want to move here. Make sure it's single phase!

You would be made very welcome, especially as you work with your hands, the Catalan people like that and tradesmen here are fairly well looked after and respected.

