Great British Workshop on Wed

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7 Aug 2003
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Another UK workshop series starts tonight. This has to be better than previous efforts.
Details at
where, if you want to give H & L your details, you may win a "Home and Leisure Router Kit" worth 149 dabs (Trend T3 and table, BTW).
Would imagine most corded tools will be straight out of the Trend catalogue.
Let's hope, at least, the series will be interestingly watchable.


Ive just watched an episode of this, he made a nice contemporary looking coffee table out of American Walnut.

I think there was more than just the timber which was imported from the USA though ..... the layout of his "woodshop" was akin to "Stormin' Norm's" and it was fun to play "guess the technique" and be rewarded with views of visits to "sanding stations / router tables with pencilled reference marks / mitre saws with stop blocks / foam block brushes to lay the finish on before wiping off the excess / leving panels to "float" in the rebate - no glue needed here....." all a la NYW.

I suppose it just goes to show that Norm is still the main man when it comes to power tooled woodworking.

When is someone going to produce a show that doesnt rely on power tools I wonder?.

I see Norm has a new show here in good old blighty..............but where did all the body hair and check shirts go :D :D
No "cheeky chappie" presenters, no guests to do the work, attractive projects that most hobbyists could attempt in their own shop, machinery that doesn't cost an arm and a leg (although the lack of guards on the tools might :)), effective instructions on how to measure and cut the timber ... could this really be a British WW show on Home & Leisure?

Okay, the presenter might have a slight touch of strine about him but I thought it was the best British WW programme H&L have produced to date. Norm needs to look over his shoulder because there's competition right on his heels!


I saw the first episode last night and I am delighted to see it's the NYW in metrics, yeaaaaahhhh!
It's also very nice to see the program and recognise the tools available to us. I mean if you see something nice there, you know you can get it easily, have a look at it even in the shops or the in the Trend Catalogue :wink: :wink: (Noely, you knew all along).

I am not so good with spotting accents (I am french originally, please don't hate me for it) but he did sound Australian to me. Or is it an English accent I never heard before??
Watched the first couple of episodes and enjoyed them. It should be called the British NYW - because it is a direct copy. Just like changing rooms New Zealand or whatever I suppose. I reckon Norm has had to agree to this prog being made it's so close to his.
For me (personal taste) the projects aren't up to Norm's design-wise - I like that Shaker style stuff. But well explained and executed none-the-less.
And MMD - he did get out a chisel for 2 seconds on the second episode!
I bet David Free will get teased back home for appearing on a program called the Great BRITISH Woodshop!
definitely an Aussie twang to my ear, although I can never differentiate between Aus and Kiwi, so I may be wrong.

I agree with others comments, NYW with a european twist. Shame all the machines are sans safety gaurds, it would be nice to see things demonstrated the correct way. (I did wince when he used the surface planer with a nice close up of his fingers by the unguarded blades.)

Still it will be interesting to watch just to see machine we know and recognise.
Oh joy. No safety guards and 2 seconds use of a chisel. I'll rush out and get me dish... :? Oh well, at least it sounds like their moving in the right direction anyway. BTW, was it wall to wall Jet machines, as promised on Jet's website? In which case I have to ask; which bandsaw? (Fixated? Me? :oops: )

Cheers, Alf

yup, seemd to be wall to wall JET, didn't actually see any markings
though as most of the stuff is taped up.

Made me roll my eyes on the last epsiode, get the usual, Gaurds
are really important, protect your pinkies, My gaurds are removed for photogenics spiel

He then does a plunge cut on the table saw which would be impossible
with out removig the gaurd. Also noted a distinct lack of a mask.

Apart from that it was quite enjoyable, as gill said, reasonable projects
and machinery that most of us are familiar with

Hi all

I only saw the start of the second show where he was using the Trend M&T jig. Out of interest, what where his M&T joints like?

The little that I saw seemed to be miles better than John/Boys etc.

I will make sure that I watch it next week.


must admit thought of ou when I saw that, dont know much about the
jig but he only did the tennons on it. Must admit they didnt look that tight
to me. Sure I saw the pieces sloping about a bit

Hi Signal

Thanks for the information.

Did he say why didn't he do the mortices on the jig? It seems strange because you don't have to make any changes to the jig.


nah, he just bombed over to the table,
I think it may well of been why they where sloppy,
certainly cant blame the jog if you only let it do half the
job <G>

In the first episode, he did the tenons AND mortice on the jig. I didn't see the second one (taped it, so I'll have a good look at how tight it was later).

How do you do yours Neil?

did he, I only saw three maybee I missed the 1st one


Happy new year to you.

CYC":keb16zyy said:
In the first episode, he did the tenons AND mortice on the jig. I didn't see the second one (taped it, so I'll have a good look at how tight it was later).

How do you do yours Neil?

I use the jig for both. I set up one router to do the mortice and the other to do the tenon. With this set up it becomes much easier, because without any change to the jig you can produce a mortice or a tenon.

Yes I was amazed - I would like to know who the hell he is, I might ring up H&L and get some details for the *soon to return* SDA WW TV section.

One thing which did piss me off a bit, was the fact that he was using what looked like a Uni-Saw (Obviously imported) and certainly he was using a Beismyser (sp) fence!
Which would have certainly been imported and cost alot. (I havent seen them as yet for sale in UK)

He should buy some bessey clamps :shock:

The furniture produced was good, the presenting was clear, and the editing was good (Thats what I feel mucks up a lot of these shows - what do the editors know about the exact parts filmed people want to see!?)

It just didnt have the feel to it that NYW does, and I think it was too obviously a lame copy-cat attempt - why don't they actually try to come up with something original but good (They have done the original before but not the good)
Many returns Neil. I would have thought you would be using a dedicated morticer! :wink:

SDA, I agree with you, it's a shame he isn't using a table saw that most of us have. Like your scheppach, which we know now is the most used table on this forum. But all the same we are all familiar with his Trend jigs and tools. As long as he doesn't come up with a dado blade next!!!
I think this is a very good program. So far, the 3 projects he has done are interesting and well excecuted. I hope this program will leave long and prosper (said like a true vulcan).
The similarity with the NYW is certainly wanted, even the front door is the same, the large sliding door hahahaha

CYC":ejj1s9yv said:
Many returns Neil. I would have thought you would be using a dedicated morticer! :wink:

If I had the money, I would buy the Leigh FMT jig which is adjustable in increments of 1/thou. It is absolutely beautiful.
