graham haydon woodworking channel gone

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It was very sad to see the channel and the instagram go, it might have been paul sellers who I first saw explain the english bench design, but it was Graham's videos that convinced me that even if I made a cack-handed dog's breakfast out of mine, it would still be a usable bench instead of a waste of time and money, and he was very helpful with a few questions that I had about the build, for which I'm quite grateful.
It does seem a bit puzzling to remove the videos if the only reason was dealing with peoples questions/comments.

Of course it's his content and entirely up to him. I can't remember if i ever came across his videos or not.
I'm surprised Graham hasn't commented on this here, in fact I haven't seen a post from him in ages, maybe he;s given up the internet, if so my opinion of him has gone right up, and it was pretty damn high in the first place
Paddy Roxburgh":2gvak73a said:
I'm surprised Graham hasn't commented on this here, in fact I haven't seen a post from him in ages, maybe he;s given up the internet, if so my opinion of him has gone right up, and it was pretty damn high in the first place

Was just thinking the same thing, I hope he's ok
Hi Folks!

Nice to read good feedback. In good news (for most) I'm not dead. Here's the reasons.

February of this year I thought I fainted on a job. Woke up on the floor having bit my tongue and feeling crap. Just before it happened I was having jerky movements. Had them since 14, thought nothing of it, usually gone withing an hour or so.

April of this year. I was in the workshop office and "fainted". However people saw it and it was not fainting but a tonic-clonic seizure. That's the classic we all think of, laying on the floor, muscles clamping down and biting of tongue. Went to hospital in an ambulance.

Following that, brain scan. Clear. Visit neurologist, seems easy take a low dose of meds. Come back in twelve months and we'll get you driving again. Cool!

Had an ECG,(heart?) for a day. Clear!

July, big seizure. Worked out what my "jerky movements" were. Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. Went to the doctors, doubled my meds. Got worse and felt like crap. No more Tonic-Clonic but Myocloinc was made worse and if I had pushed it I'd of gone big time again. Seems like the meds make myoclonic worse. Neurologist visit again today.

Also in the mix was a big family trauma, private matter but massive and one more that could be massive.

Epilepsy is sleep sensitive. When did I do my stuff? Evening and night.

To be clear I was never, ever worried about comments that were bad. Found them pretty easy. I'm front of house for our business so when we get it wrong I get flack. In addition I'm really thankful for anyone who commented or even took the time to watch the odd vid or read some of my bollocks.

I wanted to close the thing down on YT because sometimes when you make something, you see it's flaws even if others don't. I've made things I'm not satisfied with for whatever reason and smash them to bits. I've also always had the opinion that if I've earned something or made something it is mine to do with as I please. Cherish it, care for it, abuse it or destroy it. Nothing is left off the table. I decided to destroy it because I could and I wanted to :)

Also I did not want distractions while dealing with my condition and the stress it and other things were putting on my nearest and dearest.

This is the first time I've checked in for ages, not sure when the next time will be. Not because I don't enjoy it but because I'm running on empty.

Thanks all, imagine if I stuck to it. I'd have a billion subscribers and living on a tropical island :). I'll be checking in now and again
Strewth!! That's a hell of a lot to cope with - so it's extra good to hear you sounding so positive.

I really do hope you and your doctors get everything under control and you soon see an upturn in your fortunes.
Graham - very sorry to hear about the troubles, and I really do hope things settle down soon. You can be assured of one thing - there are a lot of people on this forum (and others, I strongly suspect) who will be heartily wishing that things improve for you.

Don't forget to drop in from time to time - we'll be delighted to hear from you!
Sorry to hear about your health problems Graham. I, like so many of us, really enjoyed your videos and have learned a great deal from you.

Hope you get better soon.

My very best Graham. Very sorry to hear of your troubles but have confidence in the future mate. Things will change for the better.
Highest regards
Bloody hell Graham, I hope things get sorted soon. Doris and I wish you all the best.
I think i watched all of your video's ,again & again
never had the courage or skill to make use of them
but the inspiration alone was enough to make me hope
wish u all the best with getting back on track
