Graduate Conversion

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Hi Ian,

I've had another look at the block in the lathe (open a hatch below the motor). There are two blocks connected together, both say Danfoss on them. One is type C10 and the other says T16 on it. The T16 block has the three black cables from the motor. These says 2, 4 & 6 on them. These appear to be connected using metal plates to the other block. Each black cable has it's own metal plate to the 2, 4 & 6 on the other block. The other block is larger and has a big round thing in the middle. On the other side of the larger block are 3 red cables that appear to come from the power cable. The other side also has a couple of cables coming from the button panel on the lathe. I can't see anything that connects across similar coloured cables as if it is in a star as per the diagrams on this page:

I've taken some photos but can't get them on tonight. Please note I'm just trying to explain what I can see, I'm not trying to say I know what it means. I appreciate your help in trying to get this sorted. I won't be buying anything until I at least understand what I've got at the moment.


Hi Ian,

I'm afraid you were wrong about the motor wiring. Nah, only kidding....of course it was wired in star. It was an easy change over to delta as all the copper connectors were there. There was even a little instruction on the back of the cover plate.

The motor came out fine. Getting it back in was a little more fiddly but still no big deal.

For the benefit of others I've taken a whole load of photos. I'll put them up tomorrow. Ian has been fantastic help. I had a chat with him this morning to get through all my questions a little quicker.

I just need to order the inverter and potentiometer. Unfortunately I won't get these in time for the weekend. I really wanted to know I had everything right before shelling out a whole load of cash.

Once I've got it going I've got the task of finding thread converters, drive centers and faceplates.


Here are some links for spares,
I am not connected to any of these company in anyway apart from being a customer spare parts,used.html

There is always ebay as well, plenty on at the moment.
I am glad the project is going well, this is all very interesting as I will be doing the same to my new one someday.

On the point of why are graduates so popular, for me it is a personal thing I used one as a child when I was tall enough. Before then I watched my dad using one when we were on holiday in Wales.

Wizer made the point that they are not very long (true with the 30inch) but how often do you use the whole lenght of your bed?

They are basic / very heavy / easy to move the rests about / make a lovely sound.

I think they are great :D :D
Just a quick update....I've been out this afternoon to buy an inverter. I've actually spent a bit more and bought an IP55 rated unit which has the potentiometer built in. I figured at this stage the less messing the better. If at a later date I want to upgrade the motor andor the inverter then I'll sell the whole lot off and buy a new lathe.

Now I've got some fun tonight doing a bit of wiring. Looking forward to trying the lathe for the first time.

And she turns! What a fantastic lathe. Having done a quick wiring job on it (I need to tidy everything up) I had a quick go on it. I picked an 8 inch piece of wood and mounted it on the faceplate...deliberately off center. Started up the lathe and I was actually able to work with it. In fact the result seemed to be better.

The whole process hasn't been cheap and there is still more to spend on lathe accessories. I'm glad I didn't do it as a first lathe but for a second lathe it's fantastic.

Will post photos of the setup once I've got things tidied up.
