Gorilla glue


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8 Jun 2020
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Hi Guys,
Does anyone have any tips for keeping and using the strong Gorilla glue. I have bought a number of the small squeeze bottles, and have always ended up chucking them away. I have found the glue solidifies in the bottle and/or glues the top on. I opened a new bottle yesterday, and the glue wouldn’t even come out of that, having a consistency much too thick to come out of the small nozzle. I took the top off completely, and tried to use a brush, but that didn’t work either. I know that superglue keeps well in a fridge, so is there a similar trick to keeping Gorilla glue? Do I need to do something with it before use eg warming it?
it's is moisture activated.
give the bottle a gentle squish so it deforms about as much as the volume of air above the liquid. put the top on it and tighten it.
a wala, slight vacuum and much less moisture for it to go hard because of.
to stop the top getting stuck on, clean the nozzle. :)
Cheers, Novocaine
I’ll try that squeeze trick to stop it going off.
I know it’s moisture activated, you have to moisten whatever you are gluing before putting it on, and have to be careful how much you use as it expands a lot. Is there anything specific to clean the nozzle with. I’ve always found that whatever i’ve used ( cloth, tissue, kitchen roll) just gets stuck to the nozzle.in bits.
Why do you think the new glue wouldn’t come through the nozzle?
I've used it but not a great fan. It has its uses though. I presume you mean the frothy type, they seem to be expanding the brand now and you can buy all sorts of gorilla sticky.

My current bottle is on its way out and has a set layer at the top but some can still be rescued. Top and nozzle bit off, break the crust as you would break ice on a frozen pond using something like an old screwdriver, then use a length of something disposable - I use garden wire - as a dipstick to get some out and spread it. Eventually is gets to be all crust and no glue and is therefore rendered bin-worthy.

Novocaine makes good point, and I wonder what would happen if you simply store the bottle upside down.

I know old world hide glue is made by boiling and rendering hides, fish glue from fish bones, I presume they don't boil and render gorillas to make gorilla glue.
baby wipes. :)
also great for cleaning wet silicone sealant. :)

I'm going to go look at my bottle shortly. it's been sat in the garage for the past few months, lets see how it's survived.
Have tried keeping it at room temperature, in a fridge, with the air squeezed out and upside down, it my opinion it is overpriced and over egged, I simply don’t buy it any more as there are other cheaper alternatives.

In february or there abouts I bought a large bottle of soudal pro45p, which is essentially a cheaper version of gorilla,it is also slightly runnier which I find easier to use. I've had little problems with it bunging up in the nozzle (occasional slight problem, cleaned up with a nail or similar), and is still going strong now. 750ml for less than a tenner. I've not done a like for like strength test with gorilla but I've not had any problems. It foams in the same way as gorilla does, there seems to be a myth that the foam means that you can have sloppy joints and the foam will fill the gaps, it will, but it will be weak, you need a good clean joint and good clamping.
been and checked and the bottle I bought earlier this year (didn't have a choice, needed to glue my office shoes and the only shop was morrisons) is still liquid. it was dried against the bottle but still came out, if a bit like snot, but it always was rather thick.
been sat in the garage on it's side on the bench for the past few weeks.
I used a couple of litres of Egger which lasted for ages, and I'm now using a litre of Morrell's. I actually find it better the glue the top back on deliberately. It gets awkward at the end, but it saves the stuff going solid half way through.
Thanks, guys.
Seems like I'm not the only one who’s had problems with this stuff.
On balance, I think the advice to use something else is the route to go.
Save a lot of cursing and shouting!
I close the top with a screw - use a progressively fatter one as I hack more off the filler. I can twist it out with pliers. Once open I prop upside down over something until the stuff starts to ooze out. Too expensive to waste!

PS what is recommended as a cheaper alternative? I find this foaming glue bonds well - better than ‘white’ glue. (As you can tell I’m no glue expert.
For gorilla glue I keep the bottle upside down. Never have a problem of the glue going off. It’s always liquid at the nozzle when you open it.