Gordon Shoulder Plane


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Established Member
24 Nov 2003
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Dorset, England.
Hi All
I am currently building a side table in mahogany and have been getting a lot of good use from my Gordon smoother. It loves the difficult timbers and cuts without tearout (except on the very worst bits!!). Following my pleasant experiences I was browsing on the HNT Gordon website and came across this.

One email later and it's on the way-should be here in about 7 days says Terry.
Take a look at this video clip to see the plane in action.

Sorry about this posting, but gloating is getting out of hand on this site and it's only fair I get a piece of the action! :lol: :lol:
I'll let you know when it turns up,
Philly :D
Nice looking glo err, plane Philly and I enjoyed the video.

Particularly as he used my lovely Veritas to finish off the rabbett :lol:


Well I think it's important that if you are going to gloat you should at least give something back-henceforth the video clip! :lol: :lol:
Philly :D
Now that's a purty plane, Philly. :D I must admit to taking another peep at them on the Classic Tools site having watched the Taunton video. :oops: It's no good though, my heart belongs to the Veritas now. :roll:

Cheers, Alf

Aiming to leave a trail of flame and smoke behind her as she heads to the Brimarc stand on the first day of Tools2004 - better have one ready, chaps. :wink:
Bring on the large Veritas shoulder plane - I have cash waiting! :wink:
Hi All,
Well, Terry Gordon was as good as his word. Yesterday a little package turned up on my door. Take a look.....
http://groups.msn.com/ukwoodworking/han ... snw?Page=2
(bottom of this page and page 3)
The plane is too beautiful for words. The iron is a full 6mm thick, and came ready honed. It cuts as well as it looks. I am in love! :shock:
I can't recommend Gordon planes enough, check them out.
Philly :D
Hi Philly
It looks beautiful.
But I wouldn't know to call it a wood plane or a metal one.
I mean for a wooden one its got a lot of brass on it and for a metal one its got a hell of a lot of wood. :wink:
Only joking Philly, like I said its Beautiful.

All the best


Oh my... that just flicks all the "ye gods, that's beauwwwwwwwwtiful" switches with this neander. :oops: Thanks a bunch... :roll: :lol: Enjoy. (Huh :( )

Cheers, Alf
Hi All
What a beaut, huh! :lol:
I forgot to mention the weight-it is a nice lump in the hand, and powers thru cuts nicely.
And Chris, as to the hammer thing. I use a little a little Japanese hammer for setting my wooden planes. Looking on Terry Gordons website, he sells little wooden hammers with the heads threaded on. Think I might have a go at one. I can't bring myself to tapping that gorgeous body with my metal hammer. :?
Anyway, gotta get back to the brasso....
Philly :D
Tempting, Roger, tempting!! :x
Think I might have a go at making one first, though. (The Missus is getting suspicious of my recent on-line purchases :shock: )
Philly :D
Nice plane Philly, in fact its better than nice its dreamlike and from what i've read they are a dream to use as well :D

Thanks Bean!
Yup, She is a little gem-takes long end grain shavings too! I REALLY recommend these tools, and you can buy them direct from Terry Gordon. The exchange rate is really in our favour-mine cost £75 including 7 day delivery from Australia and insurance. Now that is cheaper than any L-N, Clifton or Lee Valley but she is drop dead georgeous AND has superior performance on difficult timbers.
You know you want to........
Philly :D

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