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it's true, they put it on 'the top shelf'!
tomatwark":vaomv84m said:

You are probably right, that there will be some sort of provision for this, it would be interesting to know though if you used that excuse to a policeman in some of the areas where knife crime is high, if they would let you go on your way or throw you in a back of a van and take you down the nick.

It would also be interesting to know if there are any statistics to show if this law has made any real difference to knife crime, or if any real improvement is down to better policing.

You are also right that most of the problems are caused by the stores, mainly to protect themselves against sting operations by trading standards or law suits from buy one get one free solicitors.

I just feel that this country is becoming more and more of a nanny state, and some of these laws and regulations we seem to have obey in personal and business life should be looked at and clarified, so that the stores and businesses knew were they stood without having to worry about some sharp suited lawyer trying to sue them because a call centre has passed on a stupid claim.


You have a point Tom,

Still, the Police can only act within the law. There's no point in arresting someone, saddling yourself with two hours of paperwork, if you know the person has a perfectly legal excuse. But the 'workaholics' might still try it on, just to show their gaffers they are working.

In 1958, I was on leave from the Navy, and was on my way home late one night. I had a marline spike in my possession. I had been given the tool, but I got stopped by a Bobby, who must have wondered what I was doing walking about at 1am-ish. He must have thought it was Christmas when he saw the marline spike, which I'd put in a brown paper carrier-bag.

Okay, I was able to prove who I was, and that I was legally in possession. He let me go on my way, but he did check where the spike came from, and even wanted proof it hadn't been stolen from the works where it had originated. Fortunately for the girlfriend's father, he had a receipt!

How things have changed. That spike was 12 " long, and tapered from about an inch, to a needle point. I had it stolen shortly after I got back aboard my ship!

Good show! That means they might bring the porn magazines down to my eye level!

That "top shelf" bit is interesting; woodworking mags are on the top shelf in our local newsagents, and I'd always assumed it was because they aren't particularly fast sellers. But thinking about it, that's not logical, 'cos presumably the porn flies off the shelves, even(especially?) in chilly North East Scotland, and that's on the top shelf too.
What a great story. I've never heard this before, but I'll ask my distribution manager if he's come across anything similar before.
Our distribution guy says that he's never heard of this happening. I think it must have been a rogue assistant. I was once told I couldn't take a squash racket onto a flight to Croatia from Stansted. Now a family joke, the check-in person said: "You could hit someone over the 'ead," while acting out the possible attack.
I bought two spanners on the weekend an 18mm and a 21mm both physically the same size give or take a few mil, the 18mm beeped through the till no problems, but the 21mm spanner brought up the 'are you over 21?' question. 'could be used as a blunt instrument!' says the man behind the counter, and the 18mm one? i says. shrug :?: #-o
the worlds gorn mental.
Rob Platt":1p6gw9xn said:
the problem of course is that if an assistant does not verify an age issue they could be liable for dismissal under the company rules and or the possibility of being sued etc etc etc. sadly its the country and the time we`re living in they probably don`t give a tinkers fart about how old someone is. but given what people become liable for these days i feel sorry for some of them put into that position.
all the best
Sadly Rob Ihave to agree, it's not necessarily the shop assistants fault, all the big retailers do send their staff on trainning courses these days (Whether it does any good is another matter) and I suspect that this is drummed into them by some instructor who in turn has had a memo from the legal department, it's all so crazy.

The same thing struck me when I was trying to buy Paracetamol, the store I was in had them at a really good price and since I can only visit that store about every three months I put ten packets in my basket, of course you know what happened at the checkout :roll: so I put eight packets back dumped the stuff in the car and went back and bought another two (at a different check out) then repeated the exercise a third time, and a fourth time :lol: I would like to think that if I ws going to top myself I would at least have the intelligence to do the same, so what does this namby pamby legislation really achieve :?: apart from making the legislators feel somehow comforted and causing me to walk in and out the store four times :x

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