Global Warming

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Established Member
6 Nov 2023
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Well I don’t know about that but it’s 13°C here in Dorset at the moment. I don’t remember it being this warm in December when I was a kid? 🤔
At the other end of the scale, I've just said "Is it ever going to stop ******* raining?!"
Lived here for over 20 years, and I've never seen puddles on our lawn before. Walk across it, and it's like walking on a sponge. Absolutely waterlogged....
Well I don’t know about that but it’s 13°C here in Dorset at the moment. I don’t remember it being this warm in December when I was a kid? 🤔
Think yourself lucky 60 years ago it would be snow and you would be going nowhere I remember 1963 and walking to school on top of snowdrifts.
At the other end of the scale, I've just said "Is it ever going to stop ******* raining?!"
Lived here for over 20 years, and I've never seen puddles on our lawn before. Walk across it, and it's like walking on a sponge. Absolutely waterlogged....
Our lawn is mostly under water today, and I've been on flood watch with my workshop since early this morning, It was about an inch away from floor level so it's very much in the lap of the gods at present.
I believe it is also going to rain again, tomorrow - It is all getting to be, too much like "Blade Runner " for my liking.
Yes, it’s a bit wet here today as well, and very windy at times.
Well I don’t know about that but it’s 13°C here in Dorset at the moment.
It is a bright sunny day here also, but a little cooler (-29°C). I went to do a small job in my unheated workshop earlier but after only 10 minutes I just grabbed the tools I needed and did the job in the kitchen. I discovered that the worktop on the kitchen island makes a nice solid bench, but I doubt my application to fit a vice will be approved.
It is a bright sunny day here also, but a little cooler (-29°C). I went to do a small job in my unheated workshop earlier but after only 10 minutes I just grabbed the tools I needed and did the job in the kitchen. I discovered that the worktop on the kitchen island makes a nice solid bench, but I doubt my application to fit a vice will be approved.
I read today about the 1000 cars stuck in snow in Sweden. Seems like you folks are going through a really cold snap.
Even accepting (as I generally do) that climate change is happening and will impact on the weather, we are far too enthusiastic about finding "records".

This is a link to a Met Office site which identifies UK climate extremes - many of which go back a century or more. Met Office

Reflect on how often have we heard on the news the phrase "the (temperature, rainfall, etc) was the highest/lowest since .........) This means it has happened before!!

Climatologists will draw attention to the increasing frequency of record weather events. Whilst I am sure this is true, the frequency must also be impacted by the increasing number of observations taken following the introduction of automated equipment.

Only the exceptional, or at the very least, unusual, is news worthy. Telling the world it was wet today - but wetter 65 years ago isn't going to make the front page!
Watching the news round at Mums today, and on it was a bit about flooding so I asked her(aged 82) If she could remember so many instances of flooding and she said she couldn't.

Overall it is warmer, and while we do get the occasional bit of snow, its nothing like I remember. We used to get at least a fortnight worth of sledging, but now you're lucky if it lasts for longer than 4 days.
Prior it was hard packed snow. multiple layers ,frozen overnight then more snow on top and you could use a proper sledge with runners. Today its the flat plastic tea trays that work best on this light smattering.

One thing I have noticed is in the comments section of the tabloids(DM,Express,star) the subject of global warming would generate a lot of mirth, with percentage wise maybe 80-85% claiming it was all nonsense, or natural weather the likes of which the planet has been doing for millennia, or even a big hoax, fake news and nonsense about finding excuses for taxation.
These days the balance of those who believe the changing weather patterns are caused by climate change and global warming look to be in the 40% bracket.

It should be noted that many of those now ridiculing non believers were more than likely non believers themselves only a few years ago. So theres a troll aspect the comments sections of tabloids are known for. But that said the believe/deny trend has changed for sure